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This page is a translated version of the page Klipper and the translation is 50% complete.
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  Klipper 剪切板工具

传统的剪贴板的设想是你能复制一段文本以便能把它粘贴到其他地方。但如果你复制了一段内容,那之前复制的内容就会丢失。 Klipper 一举解决了这个问题。你刚复制的项目仍然是粘贴的默认内容,但是其他会存储在一个缓存里,所以你可以用不同的命令选择粘贴你的选中内容。甚至储存在缓存里的项目数量都能设置!点击托盘或是面板上的图标,你会看到可能的选中内容,以及一些选项。让我们看一些配置选项。


Within Plasma there are two different buffers. One is the clipboard and the other is the selection. The clipboard buffer is filled when you press Ctrl + X or Ctrl + C and pasted by using Ctrl + V. The selection buffer is filled by simply marking some text and pasted by pressing the middle mouse button. Having said that it is important to know that Klipper can be configured to hold both buffers.


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Klipper can be accessed from the command line using xclip . To copy to the ctl+C/V buffer use xclip -selection clipboard