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Lancelot/探索 Lancelot

From KDE UserBase Wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Lancelot/Discover Lancelot and the translation is 57% complete.

第一部分简单介绍 Lancelot。第二部分主要讲更高级的选项和概念。



Lancelot 是一款为 KDE 软件集(Software Compilation)设计的程序启动菜单。

Lancelot 还是 Kickoff?

相对 Kickoff ,Lancelot 提供了更多的功能和设置选项。浏览 对比其他启动器了解更多。

Kickoff 是 KDE SC 的默认程序启动菜单。要换用 Lancelot,你需要使用到 '添加部件' 面板。浏览Plasma/HOWTO 操作演示了解更多关于添加/删除部件的信息。

Lancelot 还是 KRunner?

Lancelot 可以用来替代KRunner。浏览对比其他启动器了解这样做的好处。

预设 Lancelot 可以用 Alt + F5 快捷键打开(可自定义)。


默认的 Lancelot

点击添加到面板上的启动器图标,Lancelot 菜单便会弹出。

一共分四个区域 - 应用程序计算机联系人文档






Lancelot 的计算机区




「联系人」区列出 Akonadi(KMail)中的未读邮件和 Kopete 的在线联系人。




Lancelot 提供了 KRunner所有功能。你可以用它查找程序、计算、运行 Bash 命令、单位换算等。浏览 KRunner 用法了解更多。


如果你不喜欢用鼠标,其实 Lancelot 可以用纯键盘来操作。

动作 快捷键 说明
Switch sections one by one Page Up and Page Down Shows previous and next section respectively
Switch to the specific section Alt + number Alt + 1 for Applications, Alt + 2 for Computer...
激活菜单项 Alt + 字母 如果某个菜单项的标题有字母下划线,便可按下 Alt 和字母激活。
Moving through list items Up and Down keys
Moving between columns Left and Right keys
激活选定的菜单项 Enter(回车) 如果没选定任何菜单项,便会执行第一个搜索出来的结果
打开当前选定菜单项的右键关联菜单 Alt + Enter(回车)
搜索框的匹配 Tab and End; Left and Right keys Tab and End keys use the whole suggestion while Left and Right move through the suggestion.


先进的 UI 概念设计

悬停触发(No-click activation)

In order to reduce repetitive strain injuries produced by clicking the mouse buttons, Lancelot can be operated, if desired, without a single click.

When you hover an item in the menu, a small icon that looks like a target with a mouse cursor drawn in it will appear. Instead of clicking, you can just hover the icon (or the area near it) and the item will be automatically activated.

Adaptive layout

The layout of the menu differs depending on the position of the applet which invoked it.

Always, the closest to the invoking applet (and the mouse cursor) are the section and system buttons, and the search box is on the opposite side since it has the focus by default and you don't need to click it in order to use it.

The sections are also reordered so that the Applications section is the closest to the mouse cursor.

Adaptive item sizes

The less items a list has, the larger the items and bigger the area for clicking.

When there are more items, Lancelot tries to show them all at once by reducing the size. If there are too many items to be shown all at once, the scrollbars are used as a solution.

Customizing the menu

Show sections inside the applet

If you think that the section buttons are too big and would be better if placed inside the panel itself, just right-click the applet, choose Lancelot Launcher settings and Show categories inside the applet.

Show smaller section buttons

If you think that the section buttons are too big, but you don't want to place them inside the panel, just right-click them and choose Make buttons narrower.


如果你不用「切换会话」('切换用户'功能),你可以设定窗口底部的按钮为其它不同的动作,用 Lancelot 的设置对话框的常规标签页。

Custom applications

You can choose which applications to show in the Documents and System sections via the Applications tab of the Lancelot configuration dialogue.

Reordering items

You can change the order of favourite applications just by drag and drop. Mind that for it to work, you need to unlock your desktop first.

Cascading submenus

Some users prefer that the applications subcategories open in separate popups like they are used to from the classic menu from KDE 3. Since KDE SC 4.5, a new experimental feature was added to Lancelot which enables this behaviour.

To enable it, check the Open popups for subcategories option in the Applications tab of Lancelot's configuration dialogue.

Parts of the Lancelot menu on the desktop

It is useful to have things that you use often placed on the desktop or the panel. For more info, see using the Shelf applet