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Amarok/QuickStartGuide/Glossary/es: Difference between revisions

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Alejandro Nova (talk | contribs)
Created page with 'Así como las estaciones de radio del siglo XX, las estaciones de radio por Internet transmiten continuamente contenido, como si se tratara de un "flujo" de información. Uno pue...'
Alejandro Nova (talk | contribs)
Created page with 'Guión'
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A selection of tracks from your collection that you wish to play. Some portable music players have predefined playlists that are likely to differ from your Amarok playlists.
A selection of tracks from your collection that you wish to play. Some portable music players have predefined playlists that are likely to differ from your Amarok playlists.

=== Script ===
=== Guión ===

Amarok plugin to extend functionality. Scripts are available from <menuchoice>Tools -> Script Manager</menuchoice>. Add more lyrics sources, more streaming stations, save covers to your album folders, burn CDs from playlists, etc.
Amarok plugin to extend functionality. Scripts are available from <menuchoice>Tools -> Script Manager</menuchoice>. Add more lyrics sources, more streaming stations, save covers to your album folders, burn CDs from playlists, etc.

Revision as of 06:46, 22 August 2010


Lista secuencial

Esta es una forma de navegar a través de una estructura jerárquica de archivos; en Amarok, está en la parte superior del panel Fuentes de Medios. Comenzando en el nivel de la carpeta Inicio, le muestra qué tan profundamente ha navegado en un sistema de archivos. Cuando ha ido a un lugar en particular, dentro del sistema de archivos, podrá ver aquí todas las carpetas que están en niveles superiores. Los vínculos > entre cada nivel de directorios le permiten saber qué directorios alternativos existen a un nivel particular. Las listas secuenciales son un mecanismo eficiente para navegar a través de todo el sistema de archivos de su equipo.


All the sound files that Amarok has compiled in the database. Your collection may vary in size and composition of music tracks, depending which external devices (such as audio CDs or portable players with music) are connected and mounted on your computer.

Content Browser

This is the central part of the Media Sources pane that allows you to list the music that you have in your collection. The Content browser allows you to select the sort order of your track lists as well as the detail in which you wish to see your music.


A selection of tracks from your collection that you wish to play. Some portable music players have predefined playlists that are likely to differ from your Amarok playlists.


Amarok plugin to extend functionality. Scripts are available from Tools -> Script Manager. Add more lyrics sources, more streaming stations, save covers to your album folders, burn CDs from playlists, etc.


To scrobble a track means that as you listen to it, the title of the track and artist are sent to a Web site such as Last.fm, where the information is added to your profile.

Flujos, corrientes de datos

Así como las estaciones de radio del siglo XX, las estaciones de radio por Internet transmiten continuamente contenido, como si se tratara de un "flujo" de información. Uno puede encontrar música, noticias, comentarios y opinión. Muchos de estos flujos o corrientes de datos son accesibles por medio de Amarok, ya sea a través de guiones como Cool Streams, o por medio de su adición manual a la lista de reproducción (Lista de reproducción -> Añadir flujo...).


The information about each of the tracks you listen to, e.g. album name, track title, composer, artist, year, etc. There is a standard called ID3 for including this information on audio CDs. You can edit the tags of individual tracks within Amarok if the file permissions are correct.