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KDE UserBase Wiki:About/zh-cn: Difference between revisions

From KDE UserBase Wiki
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==UserBase 的性质==
==The nature of UserBase==

'''UserBase''' 是以用户为中心的知识库,涉及到 KDE 发行版的方方面面。它是由志愿者撰写的大百科,所有注册用户均能编辑。尽管复出努力,却不能严格保证页面的准确性。我们欢迎您做出贡献,尤其是提升用户体验的提示和技巧。我们也欢迎译者,因为我们需要尽可能多翻译。您要是愿意花点儿时间帮助提升 '''UserBase''' ,请访问[[Tasks_and_Tools|Tasks and Tools]]页面。
'''UserBase''' is a repository for user-centric information regarding any part of a KDE release.  It is a wiki, written by volunteers, and editable by any registered user.  As such, while care is taken, it is not possible to guarantee the accuracy of any entry.  We welcome your contribution, particularly with regard to hints and tips that enhance the user experience.  Those with 'other language' skills are welcome too, as we need as many translations as we can get.  If you are willing to spend a little time helping to improve '''UserBase''' please visit the [[Tasks_and_Tools|Tasks and Tools]] page.


UserBase 始于 2008 年夏天,最初的构想是用来展示 KDE 的应用程序,至今从应用分类和帮你找到和你胃口的应用上还是有所体现。不过不久,很多技巧和提示性质的内容开始出现了,因为通常很短,大众用户最容易因此做出首份贡献。有时候多数用户会发现快捷键,很少有人知道的功能,不同的做法,结果是这些对其他人有价值。我们也鼓励你添加新发现。
'''UserBase''' began in the summer of 2008.  It was initially conceived as a showcase for KDE applications.  To some extent this is still evident in the way applications are grouped, to help you find the application most likely to suit your purpose.  Soon, however, various Hints and Tips sections began to appear.  This is an area where general users can most easily make a first contribution, as it is often a very short entry.  Most users, at some time, find a keyboard shortcut, a little-known feature, a "different" way of doing something, that would prove to be of value to others.  We encourage you to add your discoveries.

In 2009 the KWord developer, Thomas Zander, had the idea that application manuals could be written on '''UserBase'''.  Perhaps he was a little before his time, or perhaps the idea of developing from an older version to a new one, where the change from KDE 3.x to 4.x was embraced, was just too big a step, but it was a foreshadow of things to come.  2010 saw the first manuals being developed on '''UserBase'''.
In 2009 the KWord developer, Thomas Zander, had the idea that application manuals could be written on '''UserBase'''.  Perhaps he was a little before his time, or perhaps the idea of developing from an older version to a new one, where the change from KDE 3.x to 4.x was embraced, was just too big a step, but it was a foreshadow of things to come.  2010 saw the first manuals being developed on '''UserBase'''.


我们一直打算应该尽可能将 UserBase 译成多种语言。后来发现,在现实中维护起来有些困难。2010年我们着手将所有译文转移到由 Translatewiki.net 的 Siebrand Mazeland Niklas Laxström 开发的新系统。该系统允许拥有相当语言知识的专业译员和爱好者选定页面翻译。一个页面可以监视译员所译页面的更改。我们邀请您,帮助我们构建真正国际化、针对所有用户的资料库。
It was always the intention that '''UserBase''' should be translated into as many languages as possible.  In reality it proved a little difficult to maintain. In 2010 work began on moving all translations to a new system, developed by Siebrand Mazeland and Niklas Laxström of Translatewiki.net.  This system allows both professional translation and amateurs with reasonable language knowledge to adopt pages for translation to their language.  A single page allows a translator to monitor changes that affect his translated pages.  You are invited to help us build a truly international resource for all users.

==UserBase KDE==
==UserBase and KDE==

'''UserBase''' 存放在 KDE 的服务器上,并受到 KDE 社区的积极支持。不过,从法律意义上,我们既非 KDE 的声音,也没有其他别的隐含责任。
'''UserBase''' is hosted on a KDE server, and is actively supported by the KDE community.  It is not, however, the voice of KDE in any legal sense, nor is any other responsibility implied.

==Contact Us==

您可以通过不止于以下的方式联系负责 '''UserBase''' 管理工作的志愿者:UserBase 的'''讨论页''',freenode '''IRC''' 的 #kde-www 频道,或给kde[email protected] '''发邮件'''等等。
The administrative volunteers of '''UserBase''' may be contacted in a number of ways, including via ''Talk'' or ''Discussion'' pages in '''UserBase''', on ''IRC'' at irc.freenode.net#kde-www or by ''email'' at kde[email protected].


Revision as of 08:39, 9 June 2011

The nature of UserBase

UserBase is a repository for user-centric information regarding any part of a KDE release. It is a wiki, written by volunteers, and editable by any registered user. As such, while care is taken, it is not possible to guarantee the accuracy of any entry. We welcome your contribution, particularly with regard to hints and tips that enhance the user experience. Those with 'other language' skills are welcome too, as we need as many translations as we can get. If you are willing to spend a little time helping to improve UserBase please visit the Tasks and Tools page.


UserBase began in the summer of 2008. It was initially conceived as a showcase for KDE applications. To some extent this is still evident in the way applications are grouped, to help you find the application most likely to suit your purpose. Soon, however, various Hints and Tips sections began to appear. This is an area where general users can most easily make a first contribution, as it is often a very short entry. Most users, at some time, find a keyboard shortcut, a little-known feature, a "different" way of doing something, that would prove to be of value to others. We encourage you to add your discoveries.

In 2009 the KWord developer, Thomas Zander, had the idea that application manuals could be written on UserBase. Perhaps he was a little before his time, or perhaps the idea of developing from an older version to a new one, where the change from KDE 3.x to 4.x was embraced, was just too big a step, but it was a foreshadow of things to come. 2010 saw the first manuals being developed on UserBase.


It was always the intention that UserBase should be translated into as many languages as possible. In reality it proved a little difficult to maintain. In 2010 work began on moving all translations to a new system, developed by Siebrand Mazeland and Niklas Laxström of Translatewiki.net. This system allows both professional translation and amateurs with reasonable language knowledge to adopt pages for translation to their language. A single page allows a translator to monitor changes that affect his translated pages. You are invited to help us build a truly international resource for all users.

UserBase and KDE

UserBase is hosted on a KDE server, and is actively supported by the KDE community. It is not, however, the voice of KDE in any legal sense, nor is any other responsibility implied.

Contact Us

The administrative volunteers of UserBase may be contacted in a number of ways, including via Talk or Discussion pages in UserBase, on IRC at irc.freenode.net#kde-www or by email at [email protected].