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Konfiguration af browsere/Opera

From KDE UserBase Wiki
Revision as of 18:07, 27 October 2010 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)

Denne vejledning hjælper dig med at konfigurere Opera, sådan at den passer godt sammen med dine andre programmer til Plasma. For at gøre dette, skal du først installere dekorationen Opera Oxygen Project, indstille Opera til at bruge denne dekoration og ændre Operas standardskrifttyper til dem, som KDE bruger.


This tutorial is written for Opera 10 or later. Make sure that you're using Plasma's default icon theme, Oxygen, since the Opera Oxygen Project skin uses icons from Oxygen.

Step 1: Installing the Skin

Open Opera and navigate to the following link:


Click Download Skin to install the Opera Oxygen Project skin.

Step 2: Applying the Skin & Changing the Color Scheme

Go to Tools -> Appearance.

In the Skins box, you will see a list of all the skins that are currently installed. Click on opera_oxygen_project_[version] to apply the Opera Oxygen Project skin to Opera.

Click on the menu box next to Color Scheme and select System Color Scheme to let Opera use KDE's color scheme.

Step 3: Changing the Font

Go to Tools -> Preferences. Click on the Web Pages tab.

Opera has two default fonts - the normal font and the monospace font. You can change these default fonts by clicking on them. Change the normal font to DejaVu Sans and change the monospace font to DejaVu Sans Mono.

That's it! Now Opera will look and feel just like your Plasma applications.


This tutorial is based on Patrick Trettenbrein's blog entry entitled “How to make Opera 9.5 look native in KDE 4”. Additional updates have been made as Opera has been updated.