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Revision as of 14:16, 29 November 2010 by IulianB (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Găsindu-vă Feet-ul")


Dacă problema ta este legată de o aplicaţie', verifică pentru secţia de Sugestii şi Sfaturi sau Depanare pentru acea aplicaţie.

Căutându-vă Aplicaţia
Unele aplicaţii sunt unde nu te aştepţi să fie.
Finding Your Feet
Some sites and articles to help you get started and feel at home.
Sound Problems
General sound issues, when sound isn't working, or isn't working properly
Troubleshooting Peripherals Problems
Connecting printers, scanners, etc.
Graphics Card Performance
Getting the best out of your NVidia, ATi, Intel graphics card
Network Management
Troubleshoot problems with networking, wireless networks, mobile broadband and VPN connection

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