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Tradução desconectado

From KDE UserBase Wiki
Revision as of 19:49, 4 June 2011 by MarcusGama (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Solicite sua adição ao grupo de tradutores: ** Clique em Obtenha uma conta de tradutor na barra lateral ** Clique na aba <menuchoic...")

It is assumed that if you intend translating pages off-line you have some experience with Lokalize or a similar tool, therefore this page only addresses the on-line part of the process, the part that is carried out within UserBase.

Fluxo de trabalho

  • Solicite sua adição ao grupo de tradutores:
    • Clique em Obtenha uma conta de tradutor na barra lateral
    • Clique na aba Editar e insira seu nome de usuário, o idioma para o qual deseja traduzir e se você planeja traduzir off-line
    • Use o Salvar página para salvar as informações
  • When your user has been added to the group (you should get an e-mail notification), click on Start Translating in the sidebar
  • Enter the language you want to translate to in Language code and click on Go (You can elect to suppress pages that are 100% complete.)
  • Choose your page to work on, from the list presented - this will take you to the tool where you choose on-line or off-line translation.
  • In order to reduce the risk of edit conflicts, upload your work frequently. You can continue to work on other sections from your downloaded file - import will know which sections are new.

Export the page

  • The top combi-box (I want to... should be set to Export translation in Gettext format.
  • Check that the page-name and language are correctly set.
  • Go completes the export.

Import the new translation

Initially you are requested to send the translated file to us. Here is the procedure:

  • Use the Upload file link in the sidebar to import your file.
  • Place a message on New Imports giving the filename of the upload.

Once you have a few trouble-free imports using this method we will give you permission to upload translations directly yourself.