Eine Seite übersetzen
Available Tools
- Translation Workflow beschreibt den Arbeitsablauf, der zur Migration zum neuen Übersetzungssystem notwendig ist.
== Ablaufplan ==
- Hinzufügen zur Übersetzergruppe beantragen:
- Klicken Sie auf Get a Translator Account in der Seitenleiste
- Klicken Sie das
an und geben Sie Ihren Benutzernamen, die Sprache, in die Sie übersetzen wollen, und ob Sie planen, offline zu arbeiten
-Icon - Benutzen Sie , um die eingegebenen Daten zu speichern.
- Wenn Ihr Benutzer in die Gruppe aufgenommen wurde (Sie sollten eine Benachrichtigung per E-Mail erhalten), klicken Sie auf Start Translating in der Seitenleiste
- Falls das UserBase-Interface in Englisch erscheint und keine Seitentitel auf der Seite angezeigt werden, müssen Sie eventuell die Sprache, in der Sie übersetzen wollen, in eingeben und dann auf klicken.
- Klicken SIe auf eine Seite in der Liste, die Sie übersetzen wollen
- Unter dem Abschnitt Seite übersetzen stellen Sie in der ersten Drop-Down-Liste ein. Falls sie die bisherigen Übersetzungen verbessern wollen, stellen Sie ein
- Stellen Sie sicher, dass der korrekte Sprachcode angezeigt wird
- Klicken Sie im Abschnitt auf den Link auf der linken Seite des Textbausteins, den Sie übersetzen möchten.
- Geben Sie Ihre Übersetzung ein - eine Google-Übersetzung ist als Referenz gegeben, aber Ihre eigene Übersetzung wird üblicherweise bevorzugt.
- Klicken Sie auf , um mit dem nächsten Textbaustein fortzufahren, oder, falls Sie an dieser Stelle aufhören möchten, auf , um die Übersetzung zu speichern.
Tips und Tricks
Image display instructions
A typical example is [[Image:Plasma-kickoff.jpg|right|160px]]. The whole of this is a system instruction on how to display the image. None of it is translated.
Category statements
In this context, think of the word "Category" as a system word which therefore should not be translated. For example, [[Category:Administration]] would become [[Category:Administrasi/id]]
For consistency, we have lists of approved translations of categories, and ask you to use them. You can find one suited to your language linked from Translation_Help_Needed. If there are any blanks in your table, feel free to add a suitable translation.
Links to other pages on UserBase
These take the form [[Special:myLanguage/Other page|link text]] The link should remain untranslated, whereas the link text should always be translated. If no link text is present, please add a suitable (translated) link text. Note, that this also goes for subpage links, ie. links of the form [[Special:myLanguage/Page#Section|link text]].
Note: "myLanguage" will try to load the translated version of the link in the language you have set in your user preferences. If it fails to load it will just load the English original, so it is safe to use it for any internal link.
Links to external sites
These take the form [http://example.com link text] Like the internal links, retain the actual link and translate the link text.
Links in the Sidebar
Instructions for translating those sidebar links can be found at Modifying_the_Sidebar#Translating_Sidebar_Items
These generally consist of a header word "Information" or "Note" and an editable information text. If the word "Information" is not in your language, you may need a localized version of the template.
The following pictures show the result:
Before: ![]() |
After: ![]() |
Translated units are marked as fuzzy
Sometimes it may happen that you have translated a page, but the translation is marked as incomplete. Certain errors in the markup of the original page can cause this. The most common type of error is the appearance of unbalanced brackets or parentheses. The translation system requires that all opening brackets ('[', '{' or '(' ) have a matching closing bracket (']', '}' or ')' ) in the same translation unit, otherwise the translation is considered incomplete.
The same rule is not enforced by the wiki software, so it is easy for writers to miss those mistakes. If a bracket character is simply missing, just add it. However, sometimes the bracketed content extends over more than one translation unit, so that the matching closing bracket is in later unit. In this case you need to balance brackets in both units, but you can't simply add bracket characters without changing the meaning or formatting, so you must must comment out the added bracket character, like this
<!--}}-->{{Info|1=Beginning of long info box...
and in a later unit
...end of long info box}}<!--{{-->
If the offending bracket is part of a smiley, you can replace it with an emoticon icon. For the standard smiley, :-), you can use the template {{Smiley}}
Please also correct the original page so other translators won't have the same problem, or leave a message on the discussion page.
Language Statistics discrepancies
You may notice some slight discrepancy between the percentages stated on your LanguageStats page and the percentage on the language bar. This is normal. LanguageStats compares only the number of messages that are untranslated or outdated. The language bar statistic tries to be more intelligent. For instance, in one page (100 messages) 8 messages had a small (re-branding-releated) change, in each case, a single word was involved. There was 8% difference between the two statistics, since it was a substantial proportion of the messages, but a small proportion of the whole translation.
If you use the Chromium browser....
Be aware that there seems to be some sort of caching problem on the Chromium browser. I have noticed that even with forced refreshes, sometimes statistics do not show up as they should (I have seen other things affected, too), yet if I open the same page in Firefox I see the correct stats.