Незнакомые термины
Незнакомые термины
Термин | Объяснение | Дополнительные сведения |
distro, distribution, дистрибутив | Сборник программного обеспечения, является полноценной операционной системой с рабочей средой и программами. В автомобильных терминах, - это весь автомобиль, но без мотора ![]() |
Некоторые из дистрибутивов Linux |
live CD/DVD | Полноценный дистрибутив на компакт-диска/DVD. Предоставляет вам возможность попробовать дистрибутив без установки. Может быть запущен в Windows без установки каких-либо компонентов системы на жесткий диск. Это безопасный, но медленный способ тестирования системы. | Некоторые live CD/DVD |
repo, repository, хранилище, репозиторий | Сборник дополнительного программного обеспечения, которое можно получить и установить на вашем компьютере. Подробнее о них можно узнать со страницы вашего дистрибутива. | |
терминал | командная строка Linux ![]() |
Как открыть консоль? |
Программа для управления пакетами | Программа для просмотра хранилищ, добавление и удаление программного обеспечения. Почти у каждого дистрибутива есть собственная программа для управления пакетами. Эта программа является основным способом установки и удаления программного обеспечения. Установленное таким образом программное обеспечение автоматически обновляться свежайшими пакетами и коробками с исправлениями ошибок. | Некоторые из программ для управления пакетами |
root | The administrator of your machine. Even if you administer your own machine, it is still preferable to only log in as root when you absolutely must. Usually, if you want to do something that needs you to be root, a popup will simply ask for root's password, so you won't need to switch user. Root also designates the basis of the file hierarchy, signified by / |
console | the Linux command line | Open a console |
shell | the Linux command line | Konsole |
su - | Shell command to switch user, usually to root. Used, when you need special rights to do something. You will be prompted for the root password before su takes effect. NB: remember to type exit when you are done. This gets you back to your regular user.
sudo | Like su, but it only grants root privileges for one command, so the command you want to run should immediately follow sudo. Unike su, you will be requested to provide your own password (not the one of root user) and you will not need to exit. | |
path | Full specification of a file giving its placing in the file system. For example /home/myUser/Documents/Greetings.txt (an absolute path), or Document/Greeting.txt (path relative to my home directory). | |
bug | anything that may be wrong with an application or the underlying framework. | Reporting bugs |
bko | Short name for the KDE bug reporting site | bugs.kde.org |
user | A user account. Most Linux system are set up with at least one ordinary user (you) and an administrator, root. | |
session | When you log in to your system, an application or some server you start a session, which lasts until you log out of it again. | |
logon | The act of starting a new session on a system. This usually requires a username and a password. Several users might be logged on to a system simultaneously, although only one would be active at a time. | |
logout | The act of ending a session on a system. The system will then wait for another logon rather that just shutting down. | |
desktop | The workspace you see, when you log in. It typically has a panel with a start menu and other widgets. The workspace itself can also hold various widgets. | |
activity | Activities | |
pager | A widget to switch between virtual desktops | Pager |
task manager | A widget that you will often see in your desktops panel. It will contain a small button for each application you are currently running. You can use it to switch between those applications. | |
systray | A widget that you will often see in your desktops panel. It contains icons for some system services such as the clipboard and the Device Notifier. | System Tray |
thumbnail | A small (often icon sized) preview of the content a file | |
screenshot | An image of what is on your screen at a particular time — sometimes required when you ask for help | KSnapshot |
window | ||
tab | ||
window decorations | The edges around windows including the title line and its buttons, for example the close button. | |
theme | A set of settings for the visual appearance of an application giving it a distinctive look and feel | |
panel | A widget that holds other widgets. You can have one or more panels on your desktop. A panel is always placed along one of the edges of the screen. | Panels |
widget | A self contained mini application that resides on (maybe integrate into) the desktop | Widget |
kio slave | KIO | |
kpart | KPart | |
bookmark | ||
virtual terminal | Command line console interface, usually Alt + Ctrl + F[1-6] | |
virtual console | ||
Virtual desktop | Virtual Desktops | |
xko | where x is some letter. Abbreviation for some KDE web site. Examples: fko = forums.kde.org, bko = bugs.kde.org and so on. | |
Konvi | short for Konversation, the IRC client | Konversation |
Nepomuk | Nepomuk | |
Akonadi | Akonadi | |
Strigi | Strigi | |
KDE | The community of contributors and users of KDE technologies | What is KDE |
KDE SC | The periodic releases of the KDE frameworks and core utilities — the Software Collection | |
KDE Software | Besides the KDE SC a number of other software projects are developed under the KDE umbrella and actively supported by the community | |
Plasma | The KDE workspace and supporting technology. Plasma workspaces comes in several varieties, Plasma Desktop, Plasma Netbook and Plasma Active | |
Plasma Desktop | The KDE workspace variety designed for traditional computers, ie. systems with traditional input devices such as keyboard and mouse and with large displays | |
Plasma Netbook | The KDE workspace variety designed for devices with small screens such as notebooks | |
Plasma Active | The KDE workspace variety designed for smartphones and similar compact devices | |
Planet | Short for the planet.kde.org. The Planet aggregates blogs about all things KDE | planet.kde.org |
Dot | Short for dot.kde.org. The Dot is the official news site for KDE | dot.kde.org |
Get Hot New Stuff | Technology that allows applications to offer users the option to easily download and install plugins, artwork, scripts or similar additions using a unified interface | Get Hot New Stuff |
tar ball | An archive format for distributing files. To use the files contained in a tar ball you need to unpack it (see Archive Management in Dolphin). | |
snapshot | Latest development version of an application. Not as polished and well tested as the stable version. | |
sources | Text files containing source code of some software. It has to be compiled and installed before it can be used. | |
build | ||
Context menu | A menu with items relevant for a particular object. Typically, it pops up when you right click the object. | |
meta key | A special key used in combination with other keys. Often the Start key is used for this. | |
cli | command line interface | |
plasmoid | a native plasma widget | |
applet | A widget | |
ghns | See Get Hot New Stuff | Get Hot New Stuff |
kdesu | console command use to start a gui application as a different user (usually root) that runs in the existing desktop | |
kdesudo | See kdesu | |
virtual console | See virtual terminal | |
fko | Short name for the KDE forums | forums.kde.org |
hover | To place the mouse over some item and keep it still for a little while | |
Tooltip | Small info box that is displayed when you hover over an item | |
prefix | A piece of text at the beginning of a text string – the first few letters | |
postfix | A piece of text at the end of a text string – the last few letters | |
$HOME | The path to your home directory | |
Super key | A special key used in combination with other keys. Often the Start key is used for this. | |
Compose key | A special key used in combination with other keys – mostly to type accented characters and other non standard letters and symbols. | Compose Key |