Treballar amb Google Contacts

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Revision as of 16:24, 22 December 2013 by Abella (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)
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Aquestes instruccions només són vàlides per a kdepim i KOrganizer versió 4.3.7 i posteriors. Hi ha diferències significatives en les versions anteriors, per tant, no es poden aplicar algunes de les instruccions.


Per a fins de demostració, el compte de Google utilitzat en aquesta guia d'aprenentatge és [email protected]

Com sincronitzar Google Contacts amb Kontact

Instal·lar l'API de dades de Google

Per sincronitzar Google Contact i les dades del calendari, l'API de dades de Google per Akonadi (Akonadi Google Data API) haurà d'estar instal·lada al vostre sistema. Depenent del vostre gestor de paquets, el procediment d'instal·lació pot ser diferent.

To install it, enter a terminal and type:

DEB based distributions: sudo apt-get install akonadi-kde-resource-googledata
RPM based distributions: yum install akonadi-googledata

This will install the akonadi-kde-resource-googledata package as well as its prerequisite, libgcal0


Your distro may not have apt-get or yum installed by default. Some distros use their own package managers. If so you can use that to install apt-get (on a DEB based distro) or yum (on an RPM based distro), or you can use your systems standard package manager to install the required packages directly. Some distros have entirely different packaging systems. Is your distro is one of those you should refer to the distro manual, to its web page or to its forums.


This instruction does not apply to later versions of Kdepim. Instead, the requirements are built-in. To see whether your version has this, check System Settings -> Personal Information and see whether you have google-contacts offered as a resource (in some versions you will find akonadi_gcal_resource4).

Configuring Kontact Integration

After installing the packages, go to the Contacts area of the Kontact left navigation bar. Next, on the first panel, the Address Books panel, right click the window and select Add Address Book. Ensure that the Akonadi Google Contacts Resource is selected, and then click OK.

A pop-up window will appear that will ask for your Google account login credentials. Enter them and click OK. Check the box next to the akonadi_google_resource_0 and then press F5 to update your contacts.

Animated GIF Tutorial


This animated GIF recaps the steps taken to obtain Google contacts synchronization.

Your contacts have now been synchronized!