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Installer KDE neon

From KDE UserBase Wiki
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A propos de KDE neon

KDE neon est un ensemble de dépôts par lesquels KDE est distribué. C'est également un ensemble d'images disque contenant une version d'Ubuntu facilement installable avec un set minimal d'applications et un bureau KDE Plasma, ainsi qu'un dépôt KDE neon pré-configuré de votre choix.

Obtenir neon

Le site web de Neon est neon.kde.org. Allez sur "Download KDE neon." Vous verrez quatre images disponibles : User, Developer Git-Unstable, et Developer Git-Stable. Les images Docker images ne sont pas recommandées pour les nouveaux utilisateurs. Le site web indique que vous préférerez sans doute la version User. La version Developer Edition Git-Unstable est pour ceux qui peuvent endurer des bogues et ne peuvent pas attendre de voir les nouvelles fonctionnalités. La version Developer Edition Git-Stable propose seulement des corrections de bogues de la dernière version de KDE. Néanmoins, ces premières corrections de bogues peuvent parfois en impliquer de nouveaux. La version User est recommandée pour un usage quotidien, et également pour ceux ennuyés par le dernier paragraphe.


Once you have the image, you have two options: write it to USB with KDE/ROSA Image Writer, or burn the image to a DVD. For burning the image to a DVD, use your favorite DVD burner. If you don't have an optical drive or find it too slow, download ROSA image writer and write it to a USB flash drive. Then reboot your system.


If your system currently has Windows 8 or above, then search for "Advanced Startup" on the desktop. Navigate to the Advanced Startup Settings menu. Choose "Use a device," followed by whatever medium you wrote neon to.

You should be greeted with the Plasma desktop of KDE neon after a couple of loading screens. Click "Install neon User" and wait for the installer to appear. Follow the steps of the installer until Disk Setup. At this point, you are given a choice. Use the entire disk, or install alongside existing OSes? More advanced disk setup can use existing home folders and overwrite OSes; future versions of neon will make overwriting OSes easier.

If you haven't backed up your Windows files and/or you are unsure if all of your needed applications have equivalents for Linux-based systems, install alongside Windows. Otherwise, use the whole disk. This will begin the installation. Quickly but carefully, select your timezone and set user data. Then wait for the installer.

If you want, play around with KDE until you see the message that installation has finished. At that time, restart your computer by clicking the icon in the bottom left corner, then going to "Leave" and clicking "Reboot." If all goes well, you should see a menu with the options: "neon GNU/Linux," "Advanced options for neon GNU/Linux" and "System Setup." If you installed alongside Windows, you should see an option for it as well.

After installing

After installing, browse the software manager, Discover, and find any applications you need. Most likely these include an office suite, a finance manager, and an email client. We recommend installing either LibreOffice (unofficial, but works very well with KDE) or Calligra (developed by KDE) as an office suite. For an email client, there's KMail and Thunderbird. For a finance manager, KDE creates Skrooge and KMyMoney, but GNUCash is also available.