Kopete/Jabber/Acerca de Jabber XMPP

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XMPP o Jabber (realmente las dos palabras significan lo mismo) es el nombre de un protocolo abierto, de red descentralizada, que es usado para mensajería instantánea. Está diseñado como una infraestructura cliente-servidor con muchos servidores en todo Internet, donde todo el mundo puede obtener una cuenta. Los servidores normalmente están conectados a muchos clientes por un lado y a otros servidores XMPP de Internet por otro lado. Inventemos un pequeño ejemplo para explicar cómo funciona:

Romeo ama a Juliet y quiere comunicarse con ella usando la red Jabber. Él puede escribir mensajes desde su cliente (que está conectado con montague.net) a su novia, cuyo cliente está conectado a un servidor llamado capulet.com.

When he registered an account on a server, he chose a so-called JID (Jabber-Identifier). This JID works basically like an E-Mail-Address and is connected to the server's name with an "@". An example for Romeo's valid JID is [email protected].

In order to talk to other people, Romeo has to add their JIDs to his contact list. They may be connected to the same server (e.g. [email protected]) as well as they can originate from another server (e.g. [email protected] or, of course, [email protected]).

Visualization of the Jabber network

Jabber/XMPP is of course capable of a lot more services (e.g. end-to-end encryption of the messages, voice- and videochat, groupchat), which the tutorial will partly introduce later.

Two very big instant messaging providers use Jabber/XMPP on their servers in the background: Google Talk and facebook chat. Accounts within these systems can be used just like normal Jabber accounts in Kopete. Details will be explained later or can be found at these provider's websites.

With this information we can begin with the main part tutorial: How to set up a working jabber-client and which nice features Kopete has got.