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Hiding, Changing, and Moving Toolbars

KWord offers the user great flexibility when it comes to toolbars. This first section will show you some of the many options you have for relocating, reformatting and removing toolbars.

Hiding Toolbars

When you start KWord for the first time, several toolbars are visible. If you don't think you will need a toolbar, and want to reclaim that desktop space, you can hide any or all of the toolbars

To hide a toolbar, Select Settings->Toolbars from the menubar. This will bring up a submenu. All of the toolbars are listed. Simply select the toolbar you want to hide or restore.

Moving Toolbars around

Toolbars can be located on the screen in 5 places.

1. Top
2. Bottom
3. Left
4. Right
5. Floating

Top, Bottom, Left and Right refer to the edges of the KWord screen.

By locating a toolbar in the Bottom position, for example, you move the toolbar into a horizontal position below the Document Area, and along the bottom of the KWord window. By locating a toolbar in the Left position,however, you move the toolbar into a vertical position to the left of the Document Area, and along the left edge of the KWord window.

Multiple toolbars can be located at each of these points in the screen. (You could, for instance, move all the toolbars to the top of the screen). KWord will shuffle toolbars around, to fit in the most compact way at that location.

There are two ways to move any toolbar.

  • Click on the striped area of the toolbar with the left mouse button and hold the button down. Drag the toolbar to the desired location. You will see a rectangular shape indicating the position and orientation of the toolbar. When at the desired location, release the left mouse button and the toolbar will be inserted there.
  • Click on the toolbar with the right mouse button. A popup menu will appear. Select Orientation. A small submenu will appear. Select Top, Bottom, Left, Right, Floating or Flat.

If you select Floating for any toolbar, a new window will be created just for that toolbar. This window can be moved independently from the KWord window.

Finally, if you select Flat for any toolbar, the toolbar will be reduced to a horizontal section of lines located directly below the menubar. To restore this menubar, simply double click with the left mouse button on the flattened toolbar and the toolbar will be restored to its original size and position.

Changing the look of your toolbars

Toolbars can have their buttons displayed different ways. Below are examples of the four options for the File toolbar.

Icons Only
Text Only
Text Aside Icons
Text Under Icons

To change the appearance of a toolbar, place the cursor over on the toolbar you want to change, and click with the right mouse button.

A small menu will appear at the mouse cursor. Select Text Position. This will open a submenu, select your preference from the list.

Changing Icon Size

You can also select the size of the icons by clicking on the toolbar with the right mouse button. A small popup menu will appear. Select Icon Size and then your preferred icon size.

Setting the look of one toolbar does not alter the look of another toolbar.
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