GPU-Ydelse/Eksterne lydkort
Eksterne lydkort
Hvis du ofte arbejder med den bærbar, men savner musik i høj kvalitet, så kan du bruge et eksternt lydkort til at tilføje et par højttalere. Denne side er beregnet til dokumentation af erfaringer med at få disse kort til at virke tilfredsstillende.
Creative USB XFi 5.1 Pro
Kan Phonon se lydkortet?
vil sandsynligvis have mindst et punkt for intern lyd og forhåbentlig også dit eksterne kort.

Virker højttalerne?
Gå nu til fanebladet
og sørg for, at det rigtige kort og den rette profil er valgt i dropned-menuerne i afsnittet Hardware; så vil dine højttalere blive anført nederst. Klik på hver af dem for at teste lyden.
Try the following command:
pacmd list-cards
That should give output similar to this:

If that all looks OK, but your speakers still don't work correctly, try this command:
pacmd set-card-profile 2 output:analog-surround-51
This writes directly to the PulseAudio configuration. You may need to reboot, or your could try
pulseaudio -k
My Front Center and Sub-Woofer still do not work. It may not be possible to get them to work, as they may depend upon the output from the laptop, which appears in this case to be stereo only. If you think your system is capable of better, copy /etc/pulse/daemon.conf to ~/.pulse/daemon.conf and open it to edit. Find the following line:
Uncomment it and change no to yes. If your system has suitable output this will enable the subwoofer. At the same time you may like to set the default-sample-rate to 48000, which many people think gives a better sound. Again you will need to restart pulse audio or reboot.
Please add any more information you discover.