Kexi/Håndbog/Byg en enkel database/Design af formularer/Indsæt en kontrol - tekstfelter
Indsæt en kontrol - tekstfelter
LAd os oprette en formular med information om personer, dvs. en formular forbundet til tabellen personer.
For at formularen kan fremvise data fra databasen, så skal du placere passende kontroller på den. Til at gøre dette kan du bruge knapperne i værktøjslisten
. Hver knap svarer til en bestemt type kontrol.- Klik på knappen i værktøjslinjen .
- Click on the form surface with the left mouse button. A new text box widget will be placed in the point where you clicked. Before you release you can drag your mouse to specify a desired size for the widget.
- If needed, move the inserted widget using drag & drop to a desired position. You can resize the widget afterwards by dragging one of the small boxes appearing near its corners. Note that the boxes are only visible when the widget is selected. If you select another widget or the form surface, the boxes disappear.
- Click the toolbar button again and click on the form surface to insert another widget. Repeat this action once again until you get three text boxes inserted in your form. For sake of simplicity we will limit ourselves to three data fields.