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Vejledning/Åbn en konsol

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Revision as of 19:25, 15 September 2012 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)

Åbn en konsol


Når du spørgen om hjælp kan du blive bedt om at "åbne en konsol" eller "åbne en terminal"" - det er det samme. Hvorfor skulle du gøre det? Jo, nogen gange opfører ting sig ikke som forventet. Når du bruger den grafiske brugerflade (GUI) til at gøre noget, så får du ikke at vide, hvorfor det gik galt. Hvis du åbner en terminal for at gøre den samme ting fra kommandolinjen, så vil du få en masse tekst vist, mens kommandoen arbejder og det, som den rapporterer vil hjælpe til at hjælpe dig med at finde problemet.


There are several ways, and the one that is easiest for you depends in which distro you use. It's very likely that in your menu you can see an entry with an icon that looks like a black, blank screen. Click on that and your console will open. Just type in the command your helper gives you, tell your helper what happens.

If you can't see the icon, is there a search box in your menu? If so, type konsole there. That is KDE's console. If that isn't found you may not have KDE installed yet, but there's no problem. xterm can be typed instead and you are sure to have that installed.

If you do have KDE installed you might like to try Alt + F2. This opens a small window where you can type the application name - konsole.


if your helper tells you to open a console, take care not to introduce upper-case letters unless you are told to. In Linux, unlike Windows, everything is case-sensitive. If you introduce an upper case letter where there should not be one, it won't know what you mean, and will probably tell you that there is no such file.

Later, as you gain confidence, you may find that you use a terminal more often, as some things are much faster from a console, but you needn't worry about that at first.