Brug af Google Contacts
Hvordan man synkroniserer Google Contacts med Kontact
Installation af Googles data-API
For at synkronisere data fra Google Contacts og Calendar skal Akonadis Google data-API være installeret på dit system. Installationsproceduren kan variere afhængigt af dit pakkehåndteringssystem.
To install it, enter a terminal and type:
DEB based distributions: sudo apt-get install akonadi-kde-resource-googledata
RPM based distributions: yum install akonadi-googledata
This will install the akonadi-kde-resource-googledata package as well as its prerequisite, libgcal0
Configuring Contact Integration
After installing the packages, go to the
area of the Kontact left navigation bar. Next, on the first panel, the panel, right click the window and select . Ensure that the is selected, and then click .A pop-up window will appear that will ask for your Google account login credentials. Enter them and click F5 to update your contacts.
. Check the box next to the akonadi_google_resource_0 and then pressAnimated GIF Tutorial

Your contacts have now been synchronized!