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This page is a translated version of the page Discover and the translation is 59% complete.

Benvingut al Discover

Un instal·lador d'aplicacions per al segle 22

El Discover és la nova finestreta única per a tot allò relacionat amb les aplicacions i els complements. Dissenyada des de zero perquè els usuaris la manegin amb facilitat i que s'integri en les distribucions. Un lloc on el nivell d'habilitat no impedeixi executar l'acció que voleu, en aquest cas, instal·lar aplicacions i complements nous!

El Discover ha estat redissenyat des de zero perquè l'experiència sigui intuïtiva i clara. Ens hem basat en el treball amb la nova tecnologia del Kirigami, tecnologies noves per al lliurament d'aplicacions, així com el sistema segur de repositoris per a crear una aplicació per a qualsevol distribució i qualsevol nivell d'habilitat -una aplicació que sigui tan agradable d'usar com de proporcionar als usuaris-.

Què és el Discover?

Discover is intended for users and distros where the terminal isn't the optimal solution for the installation of apps and add-ons or updates. Where we want something intuitive and simple to use and above all safe to use.

Ens ha passat a tots, algú ha copiat ordres des d'algun lloc web i de sobte ha destruït tota la seva instal·lació. Des de la perspectiva d'un usuari, especialment d'un usuari nou o casual, això és desastrós i no podrà distingir amb facilitat on es troba el fracàs: aquell lloc web o la seva distribució.

With Discover the focus is to empower you to browse, test, install apps and update the installation without fear of disastrous misspellings and where trust is given, not taken.

Què no és el Discover

Discover may be much but it is not an expert application for minute control of repos. It is not a replacement intended to compete with the terminal for experienced expert users. Our goal has been to focus clearer on a certain set of users where an application such as this is not only needed but critical to their usage. To do this we have excluded other user groups entirely from the application goals. This doesn't mean they can't use Discover just that their specific use cases may not be perfectly covered.

Discover is not perfectly "child-safe". It will never be something with which you can force the hand of the user, we believe in empowerment and try to guide users through safe choices, but never force them into action. Do not expect Discover to remove those options from your users.

Com usar el Discover

Discover is made for usage - it was made to be intuitive. So try it out and see for yourself.

Com cercar les aplicacions

The easiest way to search for an app is to simply start typing in the name or what the app is intended to do. The search field will always be selected by default and the only times it is nothing will happen, the search field is greyed out and when you click it you are brought back to the application search. So don't be scared of the keyboard!

The search is always performed within the category you are currently in (this is also indicated in the placeholder text of the search field), so be sure to navigate to the category you want to search in before entering your search term.

If you just want to browse or feel unclear on what the application name is or how to best define it in the text simply click either "Applications", "Plasma Add-ons", or "Application Add-ons". You will find complete applications in the "Applications" category, Plasma widgets and extensions in "Plasma Add-ons" and extensions for your apps like snippets for coding apps in Application Add-ons.

Let's focus on complete applications for now! Below you can see the category tree that is displayed when you click "Applications". Whenever you want to go back, the "Back" button underneath the search field and at the top of the categories will bring you back to the previous section! From this list of six categories, you can go deeper into some categories to display subcategories by clicking them.

By clicking "back" you can always reach the starting point. From here you can continue searching freely. In the column in the middle/to the right in the application, you have all installable apps or extensions. When you click them a third column on the right will open with detailed info about that application or extension as it is available. You can now scroll through the list and click other apps to display detailed information about them. To remove the right-hand column click on one of the categories in the left column to bring you back to the beginning of your search.

Now try to resize the window. See what happens? Discover, using Kirigami the widget library for convergent apps will react and change to the size of the screen you have available. Try resizing it to about the size of a cellphone. It reshapes to better fit that size.

Now to you sitting on a computer, this means that if you have a smaller screen the right column will cover the center to give you the user more visual space for the application you chose to get more information on. To get back from that simply hit the back button in the left column!

Com instal·lar les aplicacions

Installing an application is easy! When you've found the application that you want, simply click the "Install" button in the middle column and it will begin to install. If you are checking out the detailed information like the image below, you can also click "Install" in the bottom right of the right-hand column.

Sometimes applications are available from different sources like the repo, snap or flatpak. In this case, right to the Install button there is a Sources button. Clicking on this button will give you the option to change the source from which you want to install. In the "Preferences" section you can choose which source to be used as the default source.

Installation with Discover is just as simple as that.

Com desinstal·lar les aplicacions

To uninstall apps is just as easy as installing them. Simply find the application that you wish to uninstall in the normal manner - you can note that it has "remove" instead of "install" in the little button next to it. Then click it! All you have to do then is fill in your password and the application is removed directly without fuss.

You can also easily click "Installed" in the left-hand column to see all applications and extensions you have installed in your system! That way you can simply scroll through the entire list and look for the app or extensions you wish to uninstall and with ease click "remove". That's all that's needed!

Com actualitzar les aplicacions

Linux distributions come with upgrades, new releases of apps and system details, bugfixes and improvements. To be able to keep your system up to date and safe Discover has made it easier for you to upgrade. When the update section at the bottom of the left column is bright yellow, which means that you have updates waiting for you. Just click it and you will be moved to this screen (you can as usual simply click in another area in the left column to leave it)

In the list, you can see all the software that will be updated when you click "Update" at the top right. You can click each individual row to get further information about it. If something is not to your liking, simply uncheck it on the left of the name of the software and it will be held back from the update.

How to master Discover

In this section, we will bring up how to handle upgrades, repositories, and how to file bugs.

Com gestionar els repositoris

To enable or disable repositories go to the "Settings" screen. Simply check the box, if you want the repositories to be available on your computer. Sometimes applications are available from different sources like the repo, snap or flatpak. By clicking on "Make default" you chose which source to be used as the default source, if an application is available via different sources. Clicking the "Software Sources" button leads you to an more advanced tool to handle your repositories.

Com comprovar les actualitzacions manualment

Sometimes you may want to check the system for updates manually. Discover will check for you automatically, but perhaps you are waiting for something good and want to look to make sure it hasn't arrived yet. In that case, go to "Updates" in the left column and click on "Check for updates" on the top right.

Com presentar un error

Navegar amb el teclat

While usually, the user will be interacting with Discover by using the mouse or touch interfaces, it's also possible to navigate it by using the keyboard.

Aquí hi ha algunes combinacions de tecles predeterminades d'utilitat:

  • Ctrl+F: dona el focus al camp de text de cerca on podrem escriure
  • Fletxa enrere/endavant o Alt+Esquerra/Dreta: Navega horitzontalmenl pels plafons
  • Retorn: obre el recurs seleccionat en una llista

Fletxes amunt i avall: navega verticalment per les pàgines de llista

  • Escapada: tanca el plafó de l'aplicació que hi ha més a la dreta (des del Plasma 5.10)