Systemovervågning - netværk
Systemovervågning - netværk - Brug dette widget til at overvåge din netwærksaktivitet |
Et meget enkelt widget, som viser en graf over aktiviteten på dine netværksforbindelser.
For hver af dine installerede netværksforbindelser vises en graf over aktiviteten, som opdateres hvert andet sekund. Grafen skaleres automatisk til det højeste niveau af dataoverførsel i cyklussen (som varer adskillige minutter). Under meget inaktive perioder vises derfor det lave niveau for løbende netværksforbindelser (til din router med de rutinemæssige "er du der?"-agtige data).
Going along with no file transfers for a while, very low network activity creates a graph which reflects 1 to 2 KiloBits per second activity which fills the widget graph space.
Then, a spike of activity happens, and the scaling resets so that the spike sets the graph scale and the low level activity becomes a ripple at the bottom of the scale.
That spike moves across the display over a period of several minutes. When the spike cycles off the display, the scaling changes, suddenly, to show the low level of activity at full scale. The sudden "appearance" of activity all across the graph can make a person think that the network is behaving strangely. It isn't.
There are settings. You can choose to change which network interfaces show. In the example images both the wired ethernet (eth0) and Wireless (wlan0) connections show, but I could have turned off the wireless while not using it.