KDE výukový projekt

The KDE Community brings education and the future of children at the forefront of today's computing technology. With a variety of applications for different fields, such as Language and Science, KDE shows that the community isn't just serious about empowering computer users, it is serious about empowering our young with knowledge as well.
A word-guessing game, where letters of the word are mixed up for the user to guess. KHangMan
Další hra ve které jde o hádání slov, tentokrát v duchu klasické hry oběšenec. Kiten
Japonský referenční a výkový nástroj. KLettres
Pomůcka pro naučení se prvních zvuků nového jazyka. Na výběr je dostupné nepřeberné množství jazyků. KWordQuiz
A general purpose flashcard program, useful for vocabulary training and other subjects. Parley
Another general-purpose memorizing tool with language support. Uses a spaced repetition learning method.
Grafické rozhraní pro efektní počítačové systémy algebry. KAlgebra
Algebraická kalkulačka s podorou zvýrazňovacího jazyka MathML. KBruch
Výukový program na procvičení počítání zlomků. Kig
Program na prozkoumávání geometrických konstrukcí. KmPlot
A powerful mathematical function plotter for KDE workspaces.
An application for viewing information about the elements in the periodic system. KStars
A desktop planetarium from KDE, accurately representing the night sky from any location on the planet. Marble
A powerful virtual globe and world map. It is able to use OpenStreetMaps. You can see it in action in this video Rocs
An interactive Graph Theory IDE for Students. Step
An interactive physical simulator which shows how a scene will evolve according to the laws of physics.
Our version of the well-known game Simon Says. KGeography
A geography learning tool that includes a map browser and some games. KTouch
A program for learning touch typing on a keyboard quickly and correctly. KTurtle
An educational programming environment that can be used to teach kids math, geometry and programming. It uses a language loosely based on Logo.