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Revision as of 12:58, 22 July 2011 by Qiii2006 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "點擊桌面腰果縮小,然後會出現一個新的工具箱。點擊「配置Plasma」 ,隨後勾選「每個桌面使用不同的活動」。點擊確定完成。")





  • 移動部件: 點擊手柄,然後拖動部件四周移動。
  • 旋轉部件: 點擊彎箭頭,然後拖動旋轉。
  • 拉伸部件: 點擊長方形圖標,然後拖動拉伸部件。你可以按住Ctrl鍵強制以部件的長寬比進行拉伸操作。



  • 如果你在它們上方懸停鼠標,點擊小程序處理面板上的紅色X 便可刪除它們;
  • 如果你使用添加部件對話框,你可以點擊部件名旁邊的短橫標誌圖標來刪除。


  • 方法1: 右擊桌面空白區域,從彈出選單裡選擇「鎖定部件」。如果你想逆操作,再次右擊選擇「解鎖部件」。右擊面板也有同樣的選項。
  • 方法2: 從右上角Plasma腰果或是面板控制器的選單裡選擇「鎖定部件」。


你要把所有部件移到最前面可以按住 Ctrl + F12,他會把部件板拉到最前面。一旦完成,你能按 Esc鍵或是點擊「部件板」右邊的「X」按鈕。


右鍵點擊選單圖示,選擇「切換經典選單風格」(如果使用Kickoff)或者「切換為Kickoff選單風格」(如果使用的是經典選單)。或者,你可以用添加部件對話框添加任何一種選單。你可能也想試試 Lancelot菜單。





怎麼樣切換到 Plasma Netbook 小筆電模式?

To enable the Netbook interface, go to System Settings -> Desktop -> workspace -> Form Factor -> Netbook.
Read more at the The Plasma Netbook Interface page



  • 添加活動: 通過點擊桌面視圖上的腰果(右上角的圖示)並選擇「縮小」來縮小你當前的桌面。你會在你的桌面邊上看到一個工具欄。點擊」添加活動「創建一個新的桌面視圖。
  • 刪除活動: 縮小你當前的桌面,選擇出現的工具欄上的紅色的十字刪除這個活動。


在刪除活動之前,你必須解鎖部件 (Ctrl + L)


用ZUI方法相當的慢,所以好一點的方法是用活動欄部件。一份簡短的how-to here正好說明怎麼做。


點擊桌面腰果縮小,然後會出現一個新的工具箱。點擊「配置Plasma」 ,隨後勾選「每個桌面使用不同的活動」。點擊確定完成。


How can I add applets to the panel?

  • Method 1: Open the Add Widgets dialog in the Plasma cashew (upper right corner of the screen) then select the widget of your liking and drag it directly (don't double click or use the Add widget button) to the panel.
  • Method 2: Drag an applet from the desktop to the panel.
  • Method 3: Click on the cashew on the panel, and select Add widgets. Once you have selected the applet, it will be automatically added to the panel.

Can I move the applets on the panel?

To do so, open up the panel controller (by clicking on the cashew or by right clicking on the panel and selecting Panel Settings) and hover the mouse cursor over the applets. Its shape will turn into four arrows, and you'll be able to rearrange the applets as you wish by holding down the left mouse button to move the icon and clicking with the right mouse button to fix the icon on its place.

How can I change the height and the size of the panel?

Click on the panel cashew (the small icon on the right side of the panel) to open the panel configuration interface. By clicking on Screen Edge, you can position the panel on any of the edges of the screen. Clicking on height and dragging increases or decreases the size of the panel.

The arrows on the sides of the panel define its size: there are two, which define "minimum" and "maximum" sizes. The maximum size is the size at which the panel can expand when items are added, while the minimum size is the minimum size the panel can have. If they are set differently, the panel will readjust its size depending on the contents.

Under More Options there are additional options to align the panel and configure its behavior.

Can I auto-hide the panel?

Open the panel controller, select More Options, then click on the relevant option.

How can I remove a panel?

Click on the panel toolbox, click on More settings, then select Remove this Panel. Alternatively you can right click on the panel itself, select Panel options and choose Remove this Panel.

General Panel Configuration Help

This forum page gives an illustrated guide to configuring the panel.


I am using two screens, and I used to have kicker over the two displays. Can I do that with Plasma?

No. The reason is that having a panel over two displays adds a great deal of complexity, especially when the two displays have different resolution. As a result of this added complexity, this feature would not be guaranteed to work in all cases, hence it was not implemented.

Can I put the panel on only one screen?

All Plasma panels live in one screen. If you want panels on multiple screens, you can add panels and drag them to your preferred location using the panel controller you get when clicking on the Plasma icon in "Unlocked" mode.

On multi screen setups, the ZUI operates on all screens, the Dashboard just on one. Why is that?

The workflows are different. When zooming out, the user wants to get an overview, therefore activities on all screens are zoomed out. Whereas when using the Dashboard, the user usually wants to access specific functionality and might not want to interrupt his or her workflow on other activities.

Working with Keyboard Shortcuts

Are there any keyboard shortcuts for Plasma?

In addition to the mouse, there are a number of shortcuts available. The various combinations should be pressed in sequence, that is for example Alt + D, + means "press Alt and D, release and press +".

  • Lock widgets: Alt-D, L
  • Zoom out: Alt-D, -
  • Zoom in: Alt-D, +
  • Next widget: Alt-D, N
  • Previous widget: Alt-D, P
  • Add activity: Alt-D, Alt-A
  • Next activity: Alt-D, Cursor right
  • Previous activity: Alt-D, Cursor left
  • Widget settings: Alt-D, S
  • Remove widget: Alt-D, R
  • Run associated application (if applicable): Alt-D, T
  • Add widget: Alt-D, A

To change shortcuts, click on the desktop toolbox and select Shortcut settings.

How can I associate a keyboard shortcut with a widget?

Simply select a widget's settings (the wrench icon on the applet handle) and then click on Keyboard Shortcut. You will then be able to define a keyboard shortcut for your applet. Notice that unless the widget has defined some use for the keyboard shortcut, the shortcut itself will only give focus to the widget itself.