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Spil og Legetøj

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Spil og Legetøj
Spil og Legetøj

KDE-fællesskabet er klar over, hvor vigtigt det er, at kunne slappe af og more sig. Derfor har KDEGames-teamet lavet en bred vifte af spil med forbløffende grafik og engagerende spilbarhed, som kan underhold dig i timevis. Spil kort, undgå hoppende bolde eller indtag hele verden på din egen computerskærm. Men pas på, det kan være vanedannende.


KDEGames Team'et har en ambition om kun at lave de mest underholdende spil ved at være mere opmærksomme på spilbarheden og bruge de nyeste KDE teknologier. Besøg teamets websted, http://games.kde.org.

Bemærk: Applikationerne herunder linker alle til deres KDEGames side


Udfyld mindst 75% af feltet for at komme videre til det næste niveau, men undgå de hoppende bolde.
Ombyt to nabodiamanter for at opnå tre ens diamanter på linje, og fjern derved så mange diamanter som du kan indenfor tidsgrænsen.
Saml alt guldet og undgå forfølgende fjender; eller grav huller for at fange dem og gå hen over dem.
Flyt farvede kugler, sådan at der ligger 5 ens kulger på linje, hvorved de forsvinder. Men skynd dig inden brættet bliver fyldt med kugler.
Et 2D minigolfspil set oppefra med op til 10 spillere.
Brug din mus til at undvige røde bolde i feltet. Vær forsigtig, for der bliver flere bolde med forskellige hastigheder.
Ryd et felt fuld af flerfarvede marmorkugler ved at eliminere ensfarvede kugler på samme lodrette eller vandrette linje.
Eliminer din modstanders sattelit mens du styrer din egen sattelit i en bane omkring solen. Komme du for tæt på, så brænder du op.


Opponents alternate in placing their pieces on the board trying to connect five pieces in an unbroken row while trying to block the opponent's pieces.
Battle Ship game for KDE workspaces. Players try to sink each other's ships without knowing where they are.
Remove all the stacked tiles from the board by finding each tile's pair as fast as possible.
Capture your opponents pieces and turn them over to your color. Get control over majority of the board to win.
Similar to Mahjongg, except the tiles are not stacked on top of one another. Find a tile's pair to remove them from the board.
Be the first to get four connected pieces of your color into a straight row of any direction.


A relaxing solitaire game. Arrange the cards in a certain order, either by the same color or alternating colors, in the shortest time possible.
LsKat (Lieutenant Skat)
A two-player card game based on the German Skat game. Win by scoring more than 60 points in one game.


Earn the most score points by rolling 5 dice up to three times in a single turn.
Conquer all squares on a board either by occupying an empty square or conquering your opponent's. A maxed out square will distribute its points around it, causing empty squares to be occupied. Watch out for chain reactions!


An educational and fun game based around molecular geometry. Form the resemblance of a molecule by sliding atoms around.
A game of hide and seek. Use lasers and markers to guess the location of hidden atoms in the box.
Uncover all the squares without triggering a mine. A classic Minesweeper game.
Construct a network by connecting all terminals to the server with wires by rotating these elements around. Use as few rotations as possible.
Players take turn in connecting two adjacent dots to form a square. The player with the most number of completed squares win.
Fill the grid so that each column, row as well as each square sector on the game field contains only one instance of each symbol.


Build an interstellar empire by sending ships to conquer other planets, including your opponent's planets.
Conquer the world using your armies. Attack and conquer neighboring countries and expand your army. All at the comfort of your computer.


A character constructor game for kids. Drag different facial parts onto Mr. Potato and come up with the funniest face you can.

Andet legetøj fra KDE

Der er andre KDE applikationer, som ikke er egentlige spil, men som er underholdende og nyttige. Se nogle af dem her - måske finder du noget intressant.

Bemærk: Disse applikationer hører ikke til KDE Spil

Amor is an animation that sits on top of your active window. Different themes can perform different tricks.
KTeaTime is a handy timer for steeping tea.
KTux is a Tux-in-a-spaceship screen saver.
KWeather is an application that allows you to watch the weather provided by a local weather station.