
From KDE UserBase Wiki
Revision as of 16:59, 6 October 2010 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)
Følg og kontrollér de processer, som kører på din computer.


KSysGuard lader dig foretage simpel proceskontrol uden at skulle lave særlige indstillinger - standardvalgene er normalt tilstrækkelige. Der er to arbejdsark, siden Systembelastning, som ses ovenfor og Procestabellen. \


Siden Systembelastning har tre sektioner, som hver repræsenterer en form for belastning, CPU-brug, Hukommelse og Swap-historie og netværkshistorie. Hvis du holder markøren svævende over hver enkelt sektions titellinje, så vil du se en detaljeret analyse og farvekoderne. \

The Process Table

The All Processes view by default gives you an alphabetical order list of all processes running. Clicking on any column header will make this the sort column. If you have a runaway process you will find the All Processes, Tree view most useful. You can also elect to see sub-sets of the processes, by owner or program.

The alphabetical list of processes
The tree view

Hints and Tips

Ctrl + Esc brings up the Processes part of KSysGuard, which is very helpful when you are trying to find which application is using too many resources.

In KRunner (Alt + F2 or from a right-click on the desktop) there is a tiny icon to the left of the entry bar - it looks like a microwave oven - that also brings up the Process Table.