
From KDE UserBase Wiki
Revision as of 13:14, 9 October 2010 by Claus chr (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)

Selvom Phonon først og fremmest bliver udviklet af hensyn til udviklere og dets design fokuserer på at lette udvikling, så giver Phonon også slutbrugeren adskillige funktioner og fordele.


  • Centraliseret konfiguration af lyd og video: Konfiguration af hardware og af håndtering af medier kan ske i en enkelt, centraliseret dialog, aådan at programmer ikke behøver at genimplementere specialiserede konfigurationsdialoger
  • Design styret af formål: I stedet for forlange, at du vælger forskellige lydoutput til forskellige programmer, så beskriver programmer, som bruger Phonon hvilken slags lydputput de producerer (bekendtgørelser, musik, video, kommunikation) og lader dig vælge output for hver af disse kategorier.
  • Automatisk valg af enheder: Brugen af flytbare lyd- og videoenheder som USB og Bluetooth headsets er vidt udbredt i dag. Phonon agerer på signaler fra Solid, som er KDE's delsystem for hardware, og bruger automatisk nye enheder.


Ingen lyd

Der kan være mange grunde til, at du ikke har nogen lyd.

Forkert standardordning af enheder

Phonon prøver automatisk at ordne tilgængelige lydenheder ved brug af den tilgængelige information og en medfølgende database over enheder. Desværre virker det ikke altid, men se under Getting Involved for information om, hvordan du kan hjælpe med at rette det.

Enheder mangler i listen

Dette kan forårsages af Solid eller andre systembiblioteker, som bruger det samme navn for forskellige enheder, hvilket forhindrer Phonon i at vise dig disse enheder korrekt. Se Getting Involved for information om, hvordan du kan hjælpe med at rette det.

Kan ikke tilgå lydenhed

Hvis din brugerkonto har utilstrækkelige tilladelser til at tilgå lydenheder, så kan Phonon ikke afspille lyde. Se dokumentationen for din distribution om, hvordan du sætter din brugerkonto korrekt op (sørg for, at din brugerkonto tilhører brugergruppen audio).

Sound out of the wrong device

This is related to the point above this. Also make sure that the correct device is listed at the top in the Sound and Video area of System Settings. In case an audio device isn't available (an USB-headset unplugged, for example), Phonon will attempt the next device in the list.

Phonon causes a crash

Please search on to see if the bug is already reported. If it isn't, please report it, and if it already exists but you have new information not already reported, please add your new information to the existing report.

Devices from ~/.asoundrc or /etc/asound.conf are not listed

Make sure you have a name hint set for your device. An example of a complete device entry, with a hint:

pcm.softvolPhonon {
    type softvol
    slave.pcm "default:CARD=0"
    control {
        name "Phonon"
        card 0
    min_dB -51.0
    max_dB 0.0
    resolution 100
    hint {
        show on
        description "My Soundcard with extra Volume Control"

Backend libraries

Phonon itself is just a thin shim, and makes use of backend libraries to provide the actual functionality.

  • Phonon-Xine: This is the first proper backend for Phonon, and is currently the most mature and recommended backend to use.
  • Phonon-VLC: VLC is a very popular cross-platform media player, and it is written using a multimedia library named libvlc, which we also use to power a backend for Phonon. This is also under active development, and is receiving a lot of work from both VLC and Phonon developers.
  • Phonon-GStreamer: GStreamer is a multimedia library from the GNOME project. This backend is not recommended due to a lack of volunteers for maintaining it.
  • Phonon-DS9: This is a native backend for Microsoft Windows utilizing DirectShow 9.
  • Phonon-QT7: This is a native backend for Mac OS X, utilizing QuickTime 7.
  • Phonon-MPlayer: This is a third-party backend for Phonon, utilizing the popular mplayer application for playback.
  • Phonon-NMM: This is an abandoned and unmaintained backend started by the Graphics Lab at Saarland University and Motama.

Getting Involved

There are several ways you can get involved as a user.

  • Reporting audio hardware: Download the script and run it, and attach the output to This enables us to add your hardware information to our audio device database.
  • Quality assurance: Simply run and use Phonon, and report bugs and irregularities to the developers.
  • Documentation: You can help expand this page and other Phonon documentation. It doesn't take much to help, and it helps!
  • Promotion: Spreading the word about KDE and Phonon is always welcome.
  • Appreciation: Encouraging words can help lift the spirits of weary multimedia developers way beyond the clouds, when faced with nasty bugs and other challenges. Positive emails, messages on IRC, beer, pizza, gadgets and other developer fuel is very welcome!