Si bé Phonon està desenvolupat principalment pensant en els desenvolupadors de programari, i el disseny es centra en la facilitat de desenvolupament, Phonon també proporciona diverses característiques i beneficis a l'usuari final.
- Configuració centralitzada d'àudio i vídeo: La configuració de maquinari i infraestructures multimèdia s'ofereixen en un únic i centralitzat diàleg, de manera que les aplicacions no han de reimplementar diàlegs de configuració especialitzats.
- Disseny de propòsit dirigit: En comptes de demanar-vos que seleccioneu sortides especials d'àudio per a aplicacions especials, les aplicacions de Phonon descriuen quin tipus de sortida de so fan (notificacions, música, vídeo, comunicació), i us permeten seleccionar sortides per a aquestes categories individualment.
- Selecció automatitzada de dispositius: La utilització de dispositius extraïbles d'àudio i vídeo com a auriculars USB o Bluetooth és gairebé omnipresent en l'actualitat. Phonon funciona amb la informació i senyals rebuts des de Solid, el qual és el subsistema de maquinari de KDE, i fa ús automàticament dels nous dispositius.
Solució de problemes
No hi ha so
Hi ha moltes possibles motius per que no hi hagi cap so.
Ordre per omissió dels dispositius incorrecte
Phonon automatically tries to order available audio devices using information available and a database with device information shipped with it. Unfortunately this doesn't always works, but look under Getting Involved for information on how you can help fix this.
Falten entrades de dispositiu
This can be caused by Solid or other system libraries reporting the same name for several devices, which makes Phonon unable to properly display these devices to you. Please see Getting Involved on how to help fix this.
No es pot accedir al dispositiu d'àudio
If your user account has insufficient permissions to access the audio device, Phonon will be unable to play sound. Please consult the documentation of your distribution on how to ensure that your user account is properly set up (make sure that your user account is a part of the audio user account group).
El so surt pel dispositiu equivocat
This is related to the point above this. Also make sure that the correct device is listed at the top in the
area of System Settings. In case an audio device isn't available (an USB-headset unplugged, for example), Phonon will attempt the next device in the list.Phonon provoca un bloqueig
Please search on to see if the bug is already reported. If it isn't, please report it, and if it already exists but you have new information not already reported, please add your new information to the existing report.
Els dispositius de /.asoundrc o /etc/asound.conf no figuren a la llista
Assegureu-vos que teniu configurat un nom «hint» per al dispositiu. Aquí teniu l'exemple d'una entrada completa per a un dispositiu, amb un «hint»:
pcm.softvolPhonon { type softvol slave.pcm "default:CARD=0" control { name "Phonon" card 0 } min_dB -51.0 max_dB 0.0 resolution 100 hint { show on description "My Soundcard with extra Volume Control" } }
Biblioteques de dorsals
Phonon itself is just a thin shim, and makes use of backend libraries to provide the actual functionality.
- Phonon-Xine: This is the first proper backend for Phonon.
- Phonon-VLC: VLC is a very popular cross-platform media player, and it is written using a multimedia library named libvlc, which we also use to power a backend for Phonon. This is also under active development, and is receiving a lot of work from both VLC and Phonon developers.
- Phonon-GStreamer: GStreamer is a multimedia library from the GNOME project. This backend is currently the recommended Kubuntu backend, although it is rather unstable.
- Phonon-DS9: This is a native backend for Microsoft Windows utilizing DirectShow 9.
- Phonon-QT7: This is a native backend for Mac OS X, utilizing QuickTime 7.
- Phonon-MPlayer: This is a third-party backend for Phonon, utilizing the popular mplayer application for playback.
- Phonon-NMM: This is an abandoned and unmaintained backend started by the Graphics Lab at Saarland University and Motama.
Com participar
There are several ways you can get involved as a user.
- Reporting audio hardware: Download the script and run it, and attach the output to This enables us to add your hardware information to our audio device database.
- Quality assurance: Simply run and use Phonon, and report bugs and irregularities to the developers.
- Documentation: You can help expand this page and other Phonon documentation. It doesn't take much to help, and it helps!
- Promotion: Spreading the word about KDE and Phonon is always welcome.
- Appreciation: Encouraging words can help lift the spirits of weary multimedia developers way beyond the clouds, when faced with nasty bugs and other challenges. Positive emails, messages on IRC, beer, pizza, gadgets and other developer fuel is very welcome!