Template:I18n/Language Navigation Bar
深藏不露的专用文件管理器 |
- 易用并专门的文件管理器
- 致力于可用性
- "面包屑(Breadcrumb)"导航栏
- 提供可选的方便的导航和信息显示面板
- 通过KIO支持远程和虚拟文件系统的文件管理
- 可标记文件和文件夹
At first look, this is a simple file manager, but it has many talents. Some features include
- Split windows - view and use two directories at the same time
- Viewing attributes can be set (and remembered) independently for each window
- Tabbed browsing
- Use the optional informational panel on the right
- Or elect to have essential attribute information displayed in the window
- Use 'breadcrumb' navigation for speed
- One-click change to editable navigation bar
- Add Folders panel for traditional navigation
- Add a terminal in the directory you are currently browsing
- Many functions controlled by keyboard shortcuts
Here is the Dolphin Website and the Dolphin Handbook is here.
file management, file manager, file browser, tags, metadata, Nepomuk