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Qiii2006 (talk | contribs)
m Created page with "匯報bug 雖小但依舊是對KDE 寶貴的貢獻,有個網站專門提供用來匯報bug 或請求新特性:[http://bugs.kde.org/ bugs.kde.org]。只要你懂點英文就..."
Qiii2006 (talk | contribs)
m Created page with "首要做的事情是註冊帳號,打開[https://bugs.kde.org/createaccount.cgi 註冊頁面]。註冊驗證完畢就可以匯報報告。"
Line 39: Line 39:
匯報bug 雖小但依舊是對KDE 寶貴的貢獻,有個網站專門提供用來匯報bug 或請求新特性:[http://bugs.kde.org/ bugs.kde.org]。只要你懂點英文就能動手。然後照著一些其他的指導,你便可匯報有用的錯誤報告,從而幫助整個 KDE 社區和你自己。
匯報bug 雖小但依舊是對KDE 寶貴的貢獻,有個網站專門提供用來匯報bug 或請求新特性:[http://bugs.kde.org/ bugs.kde.org]。只要你懂點英文就能動手。然後照著一些其他的指導,你便可匯報有用的錯誤報告,從而幫助整個 KDE 社區和你自己。

The first thing you need is to open an account in the website. You can start [https://bugs.kde.org/createaccount.cgi here]. Once you have a validated account, you can report.
首要做的事情是註冊帳號,打開[https://bugs.kde.org/createaccount.cgi 註冊頁面]。註冊驗證完畢就可以匯報報告。

There are usually two different situations to report a bug:
There are usually two different situations to report a bug:

Revision as of 12:38, 4 December 2010

使用 IRC 獲取幫助


  • 不要猶豫,直接問: irc.freenode.net 頻道#kde 是用戶支持頻道,我們期待你的問題- 問吧
  • 準備好任何有關你係統的細節:哪個發行版(發行版的具體版本?),你用的 KDE SC 版本,你怎麼安裝他的等等。你可能不需要立刻給出所有的信息,但你應該準備好以免有人問起。
  • 問前試下自己解決故障:Google是你的良師益友(在Google中輸入錯誤信息通常能知道些有用的東西)。你應該看下 KDE 疑難排解 - 那兒的建議不管怎樣都會在 #kde 上說一遍的,所以可以先試下
  • 還有,試著確認你碰到的是 KDE 的問題而不是你係統裡其他元件的(比如,X 的問題或 alsa的問題)。如果可能的話,試一下其他的替代品,用非 KDE 程式看看是否問題依舊發生。當然,如果你不確定,那就問吧。
  • 確保你已經閱讀過手冊(The Fine Manual)和疑難排解頁面。儘管不是每個問題都在那有解答。儘管不是每個問題都在那有解答,但多數是能解決的。如果沒解決,試著在論壇(英文)KDE@Taiwan 討論區提問。如果討論帶出了有趣的信息,你也可以添加討論信息到這個 UserBase,以便能幫助其他人。
  • 等待回覆吧! 通常在 IRC 頻道里,某個人會在你問了後一會兒注意到你的問題,所以問了之後要等上一段時間。沒有比給某人寫了長篇的回覆結果只發現這傢伙在問問題後3分鐘就離開了更不爽了!
  • 如果你在#kde上沒找到答案,你也能在你發行版的頻道裡試一下(比如#kubuntu、#suse、#kde-freebsd 等),或適合的郵件列表:查看郵件列表存檔或論壇。
  • 最重要的是,耐心和禮貌。記住提供幫助的人所有都是志願者,他們可以花時間去做其他事情而不給予幫助。




有關在特定作業系統上 KDE 桌面應用的問題,您依然可以嘗試通過上面介紹的幾種方法解決,不過若非這個問題和 KDE 或 KDE/GNU/Linux 的關聯非常緊密,恐怕您很難就這樣找到答案。 如果您的問題和 KDE 關係不大,請不要在「一般」的 KDE 郵件列表上張貼問題。比方說:我的音效卡不能正常運作。在這種情況下,請將問題發往確實的相關單位。例如 GNU/Linux 的問題您可以嘗試去 www.linuxnewbie.orgwww.linuxnewbie.com,或者上面提過的 kde-linux 郵件列表(譯註:對漢語GNU/Linux用戶來說,值得推薦的地方則是linuxsir等社區)。

如果您使用的不是 GNU/Linux 系統,可以試著在 kde-nonlinux (訂閱)郵件列表上尋求幫助。同時,使用您慣用的搜索引擎如 Google,還有Usenet 存檔一般也很有效。


如果您要搜索套件,可以在發行方提供的FTP服務器上找,一般是在「contrib」子目錄下,當然您也可以利用 rpmfind.net 這樣的索引站點來完成。


匯報bug 雖小但依舊是對KDE 寶貴的貢獻,有個網站專門提供用來匯報bug 或請求新特性:bugs.kde.org。只要你懂點英文就能動手。然後照著一些其他的指導,你便可匯報有用的錯誤報告,從而幫助整個 KDE 社區和你自己。


There are usually two different situations to report a bug:

  • You notice something which is not working properly or not working at all, a bad design, a missed functionality... If this is your case, open the application Help -> Report Bug... menu. You will then be guided to bugs.kde.org. Some information will be automatically picked up, like the application version number.
  • Your program disappears and another window appears named "The KDE crash Handler". Don't get scared! You will be guided to efficiently report this crash. The link in the dialog "Learn more about bug reporting" will explain you the process. If you choose to report the problem, click on Report Bug and an assistant will guide you through the steps. The requisite to report a crash is to have your distribution debug packages installed in order to provide a valid backtrace.

And these are a few tips on how to write good bug reports:

  • Write it in English. You can switch every KDE application language through Help -> Switch Application Language..., so go there and choose American English as the primary language. Then restart the application. That can help you in explaining what happens.
  • Be specific. One bug per report only! Do not mix different problems in the same report.
  • Be clear. Explain the steps that lead to the bug so that we can reproduce them easily.
  • Include screenshots: a picture is worth many words so attach a screenshot to the bug report. You can use KSnapshot to take screenshots. Also, do not link to an external web link which can expire, use the Attachments link at the bottom of the bug report.
  • Include the backtrace within the bug report as a comment, it makes it easier to find duplicates for us (do not attach the backtrace as a text file).
  • Clearly separate facts from speculation: only describe what happens. For a design problem, include a mock-up if possible.

If you are testing trunk or the beta, if you kept your precedent settings, sometimes you will want to check with a new user or by setting a new $KDEHOME (and restarting your user). Do not delete your $KDEHOME as you will maybe need the current files to compare with the new ones and also you would lose your settings!

Also notice that Forums have a section about Beta Releases.






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