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Amarok é un xestor de música.

Amarok is a free, cross-platform, versatile, powerful and feature-rich music player. It allows easy collection management, automatically retrieves information and covers, and has built-in compatibility with services such as Jamendo, Last.fm, Magnatune, and Librivox. It also can be completely customized, so users can modify its look and layout so it fits their needs. The current stable release is version 2.8.

Se está a empregar Amarok por vez primeira, quizais sexa boa idea botarlle unha ollada á guía para principiantes ou ao manual completo.


Prema en calquera imaxe para vela ampliada.

A interface

Amarok ten unha interface predeterminada con tres paneis.

O panel esquerdo (Orixes de medios)

The Media Sources pane on the left is the place where you access your local collection as well as other services: Local Music on top, which is the primary interface to your local collection and connected media such as mp3 players and CDs.
There is a section for all Internet Services that you have enabled. Here, you can browse listings of radio stations and podcasts; listen/subscribe to them, interact with your last.fm account, purchase music from online stores such as Magnatune and download independent artists' music from Jamendo and more.
The Playlists section allows you to create and manage Dynamic Playlists, access your Saved Playlists as well as the Automatic Playlist Generator.
The Files section displays an integrated file browser and the Podcasts section will let you access your podcast subscriptions.

O panel central (Vista de contexto)

This is where all the information is displayed. The central pane contains applets that dynamically change to display context information about the track that is currently playing.
You can see the rating, score and play count of the Current Track applet or the last played tracks if nothing is playing, the Lyrics of the song and the Wikipedia page on the artist.
More applets can be added, removed or rearranged using the settings icon on the Applet Bar at the bottom of the pane.

O panel dereito (visualización da lista de reprodución)

Amarok has the most configurable playlist of any music player in existence. It puts the power in your hands to shape the playlist any way you see fit.
To start you off, there are three pre-configured playlist layouts that you can use as starting points to create the layout that fits your flow the best. You can generate playlist dynamically with various bias or use the Automatic Playlist Generator, shuffle, play at random or repeat, queue tracks and save the existing playlists for later use.


Reprodución de música

Amarok can support most popular formats for music files.
The actual list of formats depends on the codecs installed and the Phonon audio backend in use on your system.
There is also support for traditional playlists — you can create, save and load all the playlists you want.

Compatibilidade cos dispositivos externos

Amarok offers support for a great variety of Media devices such as iPods, MTP and UMS devices.

The button Merge View at the top of the collection lets you merge collections. This means songs from your local collection, audio CD, mp3-player and so on will be shown in one unified collection. It is a toggle switch so you can easily revert to showing the separate sources.

Configuración da visualización do contexto

The Context view, the centerpiece attraction in Amarok, can automatically fetch contextual information about the currently playing song (such as album art, lyrics or Wikipedia information) from the Internet and display them. This is one of the unique features of the Amarok series.

Máis servizos de Internet

Amarok opens the gateway to a rich multimedia experience on the Internet.
  • Sporting interfaces to services such as Ampache music servers and mp3tunes lockers, it allows you to listen to your music from anywhere in the world.
  • You can sample and buy music from Magnatune.
  • Using the Jamendo service, you can listen to and download music from independent artists who can be supported by your donations.
  • With integrated last.fm functionality, you can scrobble your tracks, use last.fm features like statistics, charts and subscribers can listen to radio streams customized to your music taste — all from Amarok.
  • Depending on your region, you may have access to the Amazon MP3 music store.

And that is just the beginning — you can add even more Internet services using the Script Manager.


No xestor de scripts atopará moito0s dispoñíbeis. Vaia a Configuración -> Configurar Amarok… -> Scripts -> Xestionar os Scripts e explore a lista de scripts dispoñíbeis. Pode reducir a lista escribindo na caixa de busca. Cando atope un script que queira probar, prema o botón de Instalar canda el.

Xestor dos scripts

Scripts are add-ons that allow you to extend Amarok’s functionality in innovative ways. You use the Settings -> Configure Amarok -> Scripts option to open the Amarok Add-on Installer window.

Xestor das portadas

You can browse through your music collection using the nifty Cover Manager that displays the album art, download covers from various sources or let Amarok check automatically for covers in the internet.

Valoración e puntuación

You can show your love for the songs by rating them. Amarok supports ½⋅✩ ratings, too. In addition, Amarok can calculate a score (a sort of guessed rating) depending on metrics such as how often you listen to or skip a song.

Arrastrar e soltar

This is an innovative interface that offers contextual options (such as the ones you see in a right-click menu) that you can "drop" a song into. Grab a track and see the Pop-Up Dropper appear in the context view pane!

Configuración da visualización da lista de reprodución

The currently loaded playlist is highly configurable and can show information about the songs in any form you like. If you are used to the Spreadsheet View found in Amarok 1.x series and other music players, you can have that, too! The Playlist View also allows you to save or export the current playlist.

Listas de reprodución dinámicas

Amarok allows you to create weighted random playlists that adhere to various criteria exactly or approximately. For example, you can create a playlist that will be randomly populated by songs that are rated more than 3 stars and are approximately from around the year 1967!

Posibilidade de reproducir a ganancia

Amarok pode ler as etiquetas sobre a ganancia incluída nos ficheiros e axustar automaticamente o volume das cancións para que todas estean máis ou menos ao mesmo nivel.

Redescubra a súa música!

Se ten problemas

  • Se necesita asistencia técnica, bótelle unha ollada aos foros.
  • Tamén pode conseguir asistencia técnica directa na canle «#amarok» da rede de conversas IRC «irc.freenode.net». Despois de formular a súa pregunta, procure ser paciente; en canto alguén cos coñcementos necesarios para axudarlle se conecte ou deixe de estar ausente, seguro que o axudará co seu problema. Se non sabe inglés, sempre pode probar sorte nas canles para outras linguas, como «#amarok.gl» (galego), «#amarok.es» (castelán), «#amarok.fr» (francés) ou «#amarok.de» (alemán).

Información adicional

Support for this application can be found from the project's home page