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From KDE UserBase Wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Websites and the translation is 29% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Веб-сайты комуніты KDE

Веб-сайты, де можуть хоснователї обтримати общі інформації о KDE. Тоты сайты працюють або на основнім сайтї KDE або безпосереднё з ним повязаны.

  • Домашня сторінка KDE. Ту найдете докладнїшый опис KDE, інформації о історії середовища і одказы на іншы ресурсы.
  • KDE.news або просто, The Dot (Крапка). Авторітне джерело новин і оголошінь о KDE.
  • Планета KDE. Збірка дописів з блоґів вывоярїв і приспівателїв KDE. На тых блоґах ся высловлюють особисты думкы людей. Тут даколи можете найти дописы, якы ся не односять ку KDE.
  • KDE Forums. The official forum of the KDE community. Get or give online support. Brainstorm for projects or applications. Or even just hang around with fellow KDE software lovers.
  • KDE Community Wiki. High-quality documentation and tutorials for KDE development. Perfect for people who want to get involved and contribute to KDE software.
  • KDE Store is where you can find 3rd-party themes, icons, widgets and more for Plasma, as well as app-specific add-ons for your KDE apps. Most pieces of KDE software provide an integrated browser to find content available by clicking on the "Get New…" buttons sprinkled around in various places. Note that store.kde.org not owned or run by KDE, and is actually part of the openDesktop project.

KDE Applications

Some KDE applications have their own website. Please check with the application's page here in UserBase to see if the program you are looking for has one. The Applications Catalogue gives you an overview of the KDE applications that has a page here on UserBase. Find a list of all official applications on KDE kde.org.


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