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Live CDs - a way to choose your distro

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Revision as of 15:51, 11 December 2012 by Yurchor (talk | contribs) (Slax revival: http://www.slax.org/blog/19823-Slax-7-0-released.html)

A Live CD allows you to test-drive the usually latest stable version of KDE SC without the need to install Linux or to change your existing Linux installation. These distributions boot and run completely from the CD and don't modify your hard disks. They can therefore be tried on a Windows computer without risk. All listed CDs are freely available for download.

Mandriva One

The One edition of Mandriva Linux is a Live CD

Mandriva One

Kubuntu LiveCD

A live CD version of Kubuntu Linux, Ubuntu's KDE Plasma Desktop option.



A fast paced distro targeting users who want the latest and greatest available in the world of FOSS. Fedora KDE usually has the latest stable version of KDE in the repositories, and beta versions are usually shipped via supported extra repositories.

Fedora download page


Based on Debian, Kudzu by Red Hat. The disk also offers installation to hard drive.



Based on Mandrake (now known as Mandriva).


Slax - Live CD

Based on Slackware. 8cm CD-R. With modular structure and pseudo read-write CD filesystem.


openSUSE Live-CD

It allows to try openSUSE with KDE SC and install it to hard drive.


Aptosid - successor to Sidux

Aptosid is an operating system based on the Linux kernel, Debian's branch (called "Sid") and many free and open source applications.


Pardus Live

Pardus is a KDE based Linux distro which offers one of the best KDE integration. You can tryout Pardus Live without installation.


Linux Mint

Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu and Debian and is aimed at beginners. There are versions of Linux Mint for several desktop environments. Be sure to get the KDE version of the Linux Mint Live CD.



The Chakra Project is a promising newcommer. Originally based on Arch Linux, Chakra is focused solely on KDE workspaces. It is possible to install third party applications, as well.



Mageia is a community based distribution. It is a fork of Mandriva.



Netrunner is based on Kubuntu with it main focus on KDE, and aims to be complete operating system for both beginners and experts.



ROSA, a Russian company, offers their enterprise solution ROSA Marathon 2012 for download. A desktop version is planned for November 2012.


New Live CDs and DVDs are becoming available all the time. If you've heard of a distro and think you'd like to try it, do an Internet search for it. You may well find that a Live CD is available.