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KDE アプリケーション カタログ


KDE コミュニティーは、100個を超えるアプリケーションソフトを提供して、ほぼ全ての需要と関心を満たしています。例えば、画像を表示・編集するソフトもあれば、写真集にまとめるソフトもあります。映像を再生するプログラムも、音楽コレクションを管理するプログラムもあります。学生や教諭向けの教育用プログラムもあれば、何時間も楽しめるゲームもあります。KDE のソフトウェア群はさらに、独自のオフィス・生産スイートをも備えています!

And if that's not enough, there are literally hundreds of applications that are available from KDE-Apps.org for you to try out and use.

You may also find what you need in the table of equivalent applications.


These applications provide the core functionality of a basic Desktop, giving you the power to manage and customize your desktop to your liking. These are probably the most common programs you'll be using for day-to-day tasks.

インターネット & ネットワーク

No computer is an island these days. KDE presents some apps that let you receive and send data to other computers, whether it be on the Internet or on a local network, giving you access to the world.

Graphics & Imaging

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then hundreds of images would say millions. KDE provides programs that let you view and manage your images and photos, view different kinds of documents, as well as to create your own images.


Transform your desktop into a mini-media center. Play your music, watch your videos, manage your collections, or back them up on CDs and DVDs. Liven up your experience with KDE's multimedia selection.

オフィス & 生産性

Get organized with KDE software! With a standards-compliant office, productivity and groupware applications, as well as other useful tools, KDE software helps you take control not only of your computer, but your life and work as well.


KDE software isn't only for the big guys and gals. Whether it be in between atoms, or across the globe, or even beyond the stars, our software helps strive for a brighter future with a whole bunch of educational applications for kids and students, as well as aids for teachers and parents.


Plotting data, graphing, simulations and information systems - we have them all


Be the king or queen of your own castle as KDE gives you the tools to be the master of your own computer. From system monitors to consoles to system settings, KDE lets you take control.

ユーティリティ & ツール

KDE provides dozens of tools that add value to your desktop. They may not be big or sophisticated, but these utilities are a class of their own, providing convenience and power to your everyday computing.

ゲーム & 玩具

All work and no play makes for a stressful life. That's why KDE provides a variety of games to keep you entertained and even occupied for hours. Pick a card, avoid bouncing balls, or even conquer the world, all from the convenience of your computer. Be careful though, you might become addicted.

開発 & プログラミング

A Free Software project such as the KDE Software Compilation wouldn't be complete without tools to create software. The rich software ecosystem includes applications to make programmer's lives a lot easier, from simple file comparison tools to a full-blown Integrated Development Environment.


The KDE community cares for its users, whatever age, gender, race, or physical condition. It provides tools, both built-in utilities and standalone applications that enable people with physical handicaps to still be able to use their computers easily and efficiently.