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Diese Seite dient einer nicht technischen Referenz und zusätzlich enthält sie Links zu weiteren Informationen und Demonstrationen.

Ein allgemeiner Überblick

Ein visueller Führer für KDE 4.2 und ein 4.1 Screencast geben einen ausgezeichneten Überblick von KDE 4.

Das folgende Glossar soll Ihnen helfen sich im Dickicht der neuen Namen und Konzepte zurechtzufinden. In einigen Fällen werden Sie auch einen Link von einer KDE3-Komponente zu seiner Entsprechung in KDE4 finden.

Aktivitäten sind Zusammenstellungen von Plasma-Miniprogrammen und haben ihre eigenen Hintergrundbilder. Ein bisschen wie virtuelle Arbeitsflächen, aber nicht ganz.
Zum Beispiel Sie haben eine Arbeits-Aktivität die RSS-Feeds anzeigt, eine Notiz mit ihren Aufgaben, eine Ordner-Ansicht mit Dateien für Ihre Arbeit und ein unaufdringliches Hintergrundbild.
Daneben haben Sie Freizeit-Aktivität, die Vorschauen auf Familenfotos und Hunde enthält, RSS-Feeds von ihren bevorzugten Blogs, eine Ordner-Ansicht die Ihre Filmsammlung zeigt, ein Miniprogramm für Twitter und natürlich das Hintergrundbild mit Iron Maiden, dass Sie schon seit den frühen 80'ern lieben.
Um Punkt 17.00 Uhr schalten Sie von Ihrer Arbeits-Aktivität auf die Freizeit-Aktivät um.
More info:
Creating Activities

Der Datenverwaltungsdienst für alle PIM (Personal Information Manager) Daten in KDE SC 4. Ein zentrales Speicher- und Abfrage-System erlaubt eine Effizienz und Erweiterbarkeit, die mit KDE 3 nicht möglich war, da jede PIM-Komponente ihr eigenes System verwendete. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Verwendung von Akonadi nicht das Format der Datenspeicherung ändert (vcard, iCalendar, mbox, maildir etc.) - es stellt nur einen neuen Weg für den Zugriff und die Änderung von Daten zur Verfügung.
Die Hauptgründe für das Design und die Entwicklung von Akonadi sind technischer Natur, z.B. um einen einzigen Weg zu haben um PIM-Daten (Kontakte, Kalender, E-Mails, ...) von verschiedenen Applikationen zu erreichen (z.B. KMail, KWord, ...). Dadurch wird es vermieden hier und da ähnlichen Programmcode zu schreiben.
Ein weiterer Grund ist es GUI Applikationen wie KMail von dem direkten Zugriff auf externe Ressourcen, wie z.B. Mail-Server, zu entkoppeln - welches in der Vergangenheit ein Hauptgrund für Fehlerreporte / Wünsche mit Hinblick auf Geschwindigkeit und Verfügbarkeit war.
More info:
Akonadi for KDE's PIM
Wikipedia - Akonadi
Techbase - Akonadi

Das Sound-Framework in KDE 2 und 3. Da es auf Single-Tasking basiert kam es zu Problemen, wenn zwei Sound-Quellen gleichzeitig aktiv wurden. In KDE 4 wurde es durch Phonon ersetzt.
More info:
Wikipedia - aRts
aRtsHome Page

Ein Containment ist eine Zusammenfassung von Miniprogrammen. Jedes Containment verwaltet das Layout und die Konfigurationsdaten der zugeordneten Miniprogramme, unabhängig von anderen Containments.
Das Endergebnis ist, dass Sie Miniprogramme aufgrund ihrer Tätigkeiten in einem Containment zusammenfassen können und nicht darüber in welchem Verzeichnis diese abgelegt sind.

Ein System für die Interprozesskommunikation. Es wurde von RedHat entwickelt und war stark beeinflusst von KDEs DCOP, welches es ersetzt.
More info:
FreeDesktop.org: What is D-Bus?
Wikipedia: D-Bus

The default file manager in KDE SC 4. It has a side panel (Places), but navigation is mainly by the 'breadcrumb' trail above the main window. Split windows are possible, and views can be applied to individual windows. Mounting and umounting USB devices can be done in the side-panel. Other directories can be added to the Places panel. A Tree view is also possible
More info:
Wikipedia- Dolphin_(software)
Road to KDE 4: Dolphin and Konqueror
Ars Technica: A First Look at Dolphin
Youtube - KDE 4 rev 680445 - Dolphin
Introducing KDE 4 Blog - Dolphin
The UserBase File Management Tutorial
Extenders are a special kind of popup that can grow out of a Plasma panel for example. Extenders have detachable parts. Extenders are a new concept that arrived in Plasma for KDE 4.2. Notifications already use this system. This enables, for example, a user to drag a notification of a download or file copy job, onto his or her desktop and keep track of it there. The same can be done for other kinds of notifications, too.
More info:
Mockup Screenshots
The Elements of Plasma

Flake is a programming library to be used in KOffice2. Functionally, it provides Shapes to display content and Tools to manipulate content. Shapes can be zoomed or rotated and can be grouped towork as a single Shape, around which text flow is possible.
More info:
KOffice Wiki - Flake

Get Hot New Stuff
Get Hot New Stuff (GHNS) is an open standard that makes it easy for users to download and install various extensions for their applications. Our implementation of GHNS is used by Plasma (for example to get new desktop themes), and by many applications and widgets.
More info:
Home of GHNS
An article on GHNS in KDE SC 4

That's the place in system, where all your files are kept. You can write your files outside of this folder, but all applications are configured to propose this folder as place to write your files to. And this is easier, when you are keeping your things here.
More info:

KDE Control Center, for setting global preferences in KDE3. Replaced by the System Settings interface in KDE SC 4.

A KPart module making KHTML DOM (Document Object Model) rendering capabilities available to all applications. KSVG2 is built on KDOM for KDE SC 4.

KHTML is the HTML rendering engine for the KDE Plasma desktop, as used by the Konqueror browser. It also provides a KPart that enables all KDE applications to display web content. A new introduction, Qt WebKit is also for Plasma and other application development.

In KDE 3, the relocatable bar, usually at the bottom of the screen (sometimes called the Panel), on which application launchers, the Pager, and buttons for running applications reside. See Panel

In KDE SC 4 (and some late versions of KDE 3), a launch menu in which apps are sorted by functional group. 'Favorites' replaces the 'Most used applications' in Classic Menu, and applications can be added to it. Right-click also offers the possibility of adding applications to the desktop or panel. Rapid access to a less-used application can be by the search box. Other menus are being worked on, since KDE SC 4 can be used with more than one launcher, should that be required.
More info:
Kickoff Sneak Preview
Design documentation
KDE platform's JavaScript engine.

Kinfocenter originated as part of Kcontrol standing alone from KDE 3.1. In KDE SC 4 up until 4.4 it is replaced by modules configured in System Settings, notably Solid, and is being reintroduced as an application in KDE SC 4.5.
More Info:
Wikipedia - KInfoCenter

KDE Input/Output framework provides a single API for operating on files, whether local or on aremote server. Additionally, KIO Slaves provide support for individual protocols. Some particularly useful ones are http, ftp, sftp, smb, nfs, ssh (fish), man, tar and zip.
More info:
Wikipedia - KIO
Linux.com - Master the KIO slaves
Breaking the Network Barrier

Kiosk is a framework for restricting user capabilities on a KDE platform system, ideal for use in locked-down environments such as Internet cafés. It is present in KDE 3 and KDE 4, but the adminisration tool, Kiosktool is KDE 3 only. It can be used to configure KDE 4 apps, or kiosk configurations can be maintained by editing config files manually.

A KPart is an individual component of the KDE Plasma desktop and allows applications to share their services with other applications. KParts allow KMail and KOrganizer to integrate (as plugins) into the Kontact suite, or KHTML to display sites in Akregator.

Kross is a scripting framework, enabling support for multiple scripting languages. A plugin system allows for the support of further languages in the future.

the mini-command-line that is accessed from the Classic menu, the keyboard shortcut Alt+F2, or a right-click on the desktop. In KDE SC 4 a partial name will display all possible matches
More info:
Youtube - KDE SC 4.1 KRunner

KSVG enables support for scalable vector graphics in a KHTML browser. KSVG2 extends this for KDE SC 4.

KWin is the window manager. This is where window decorations can be changed and themes applied. KDE SC 4 extends KWin to provide support for 3D Compositing effects on the desktop.
More info:
Road to KDE 4: KWin Composite
KDE SC 4 Desktop Effects Video Tour
Youtube - KDE SC 4.0 KWin Composite Showcast
Youtube - KWin compositing config & intro

See KRunner

'Networked Environment for Personalized, Ontology-based Management of Unified Knowledge', Nepomuk aims to remove artificial barriers between information to allow dynamic classification, organisation and presentation of data to the user. Whether downloaded from the internet, received in an email or scribbled in a note, information is globally searchable and tagged with intelligent data. See The Semantic Desktop for further discussion of this concept.
More info:
Wikipedia - Semantic Desktop
Wikipedia - NEPOMUK Framework
NEPOMUK website
Userbase Nepomuk page
Oxygen is the default theme of KDE SC 4. Designed to bring 'a breath of fresh air' to the desktop by removing the simplistic, cartoonish icons, and replacing them with a clean theme and photo-realistic icons. Oxygen uses a desaturated palette to avoid the icons becoming a distraction and uses detailed scalable graphics (SVG).
More info:
Wikipedia - Oxygen Project
Oxygen Icons

A pager is a small program or panel applet which shows the position of windows on your desktop and usually if you have several Virtual Desktops gives an overview over all.

See Kicker. In KDE SC 4 the name 'kicker' is dropped, and the name 'panel' is the norm. 'Applets' are largely replaced by Widgets

A cross-platform multimedia API, interfacing with existing frameworks, such as gstreamer and xine engines. KDE 2 and 3 depended on aRts for sound. Phonon replaces it.
More info:
Wikipedia - Phonon (KDE)
Phonon website

In KDE SC 4 the Plasma Desktop replaces KDesktop, kicker and the superkaramba widget engine. The applets are called Plasmoids, and range from informational widgets to mini-apps such as a calculator or dictionary. Widgets from other sources, such as SuperKaramba widgets or Google Gadgets are also supported.
More info:
Wikipedia - Plasma (KDE)
Plasma website
Plasma FAQ
Youtube - Plasma Applets Galore (Part 1)
Liquidat's Blog

(Pronounced 'cute') A framework/toolkit for writing cross-platform applications. It is used by many cross-platform applications such as Opera browser, GoogleEarth and Skype. Qt is developed by Trolltech, who are now part of the Nokia company. Qt forms the underlying library KDE software is built on.
More info:
The Qt Toolkit
Qt Demo Videos
Solid provides a single API for hardware management. Hardware is grouped into 'domains'. The initial domains relate to HAL, NetworkManager and the Bluetooth stack.Since the backends for Solid are pluggable, Solid helps application developers write less code, and have it platform independent.
More Info:
Discover Solid
Solid Brings Hardware Configuration and Control to the KDE platform

Soprano is a sub-project of |Nepomuk, providing a repository for gathered information such as tags, ratings, etc.. This makes the information available to Strigi
More info:
More about Nepomuk-KDE: Soprano and KDE platform integration

A deep-indexed search daemon, Strigi aims to be fast and light-weight. It also uses SHA-1 hash which will help in the identification of duplicate files.
More info:
Strigi - the fastest and smallest desktop searching program
Wikipedia - Strigi

System Settings
KDE SC 4's replacement for KControl (Control Center) providing modular control over the KDE platform.
More info:
KDE SC 4 System Settings illustrated

This thread programming library spreads work among multiple-core processors where available, prioritising them before queueing them for execution. ThreadWeaver provides a high-level job interface for multithreaded programming.
More info:
Why Multithreading? (Technical article)

Virtual Desktops
A popular concept of Unix based window managers is the one of virtual desktops. This means you have not only one screen where you can place your windows on but several. When you switch to a different desktop (usually with a pager) you will only see the windows which you started on your newdesktop or moved to it. A window can also be made "sticky" which means it appears on all virtual desktops.

HTML rendering engine, originating from a fork of KHTML. Adopted by Apple and developed for Safari. Webkit brings the whole functionality back to KDE SC 4, where it is available through Qt.
More info:
The Webkit home page
Wikipedia - Webkit

Collins English Dictionary: "Any small mechanism or device the name of which is unknown or temporarily forgotten." In KDE software terms, a widget is a single component on the canvas. Other common names that are analogous are "applet" or "gadget". Superkaramba Themes, Apple's Dashboard, Google Gadgets, Yahoo Widgets, Vista Sidebar Widgets, Opera Widgets are all examples of other widget systems (some of which are supported by Plasma as well).

The X-Server represents a basic layer upon which the various GUIs like the KDE Plasma desktop are built. It manages the basic mouse and keyboard input (from the local host as well as from remote hosts) and provides elementary graphic routines to draw rectangles and other primitives.

A programmers' framework for designing the user interface. It is extensively used by KParts
More info:
Wikipedia - XMLGUI
Wikipedia - Qt Style Sheets

The Zooming User Interface. "By zooming out, users can get an overview of all the object groupings that they have made. These groupings may reflect the projects they are working on, be ways to keep different sets of files organized, etc. By hovering or clicking on one of these groups when zoomed out, users can either get a preview/snapshot of what is in the grouping, or zoom in on that grouping so that it is displayed full size on the physical screen." aseigo.
More info:
Youtube ZUI demo

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